Short runs seem harder than long runs sometimes...

on 11/4/09 10:44 pm - TX
I get so discouraged sometimes when I have bad days. I have days when I feel like I have cement blocks on my shoes and other days I feel like a well "oiled machine". LOL! I beginning to figure out the pattern. I think I have a hard time when I have my short runs after running a long run the day before or a few days before. I'm thinking it takes my body a good 2 miles to really getting moving right and in a good rhythm. It makes sense, but it sure is frustrating and discouraging when I feel I'm struggling to just do 3 miles on "short days". I can't help, but question why in the world would I think I could do a 1/2 when I'm struggling to do 3 miles. Then my long days roll around and I have something to prove to myself and I get it done without issues. Does this happen to anyone and am I doing anything wrong? 

I'm doing the 1/2 marathon for rookies training. I do 3 miles on Monday, Tuesday- rest, Wednesday- 5 or 6 miles, Thursday- 3, and Saturdays- long runs (increase by a mile or two each week. I'm up to 10 miles for this week). The Saturday runs will decrease one week prior to the race. However, I'm confused on what week to just keep things light. Is it two weeks prior or just one week? I've been reading conflicting things.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide. You guys are so great. I'm so inspired by so many of you. I think about all that you have been through and what you've accomplished. It helps me get through the bad days.

On a better note---My arms are getting really ripped!!! I'm as girlie as they come so I've never had such muscle or definition. Now, if I could get my abs looking like that....I'll keep dreaming. LOL!

Scott William
on 11/5/09 12:22 am
I hear what you are saying.  There are days where I get back from 3 miles and never felt as if I loosened up.  Are you going out faster for the short runs?   Perhaps the higher intensity could be hurting your short runs.

Perhaps you you are not recovering as quickly from your long runs as you would like.  Maybe a short warm up before your 2-3 mile runs would help or maybe you need to get out and walk or slow jog the day after the long run days to shake your legs out a bit. 

It is great that you are doing well on your long runs as that is the key to finishing your race.  Best of luck.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 11/5/09 12:10 pm - TX
I do run at a faster pace when doing the short runs. I did a short run today and did really well. I guess I just have to go with the flow. Thanks for the advice. I think warm ups will help and I'm going to start doing that.
on 11/5/09 12:43 am
Back to back workouts are hard.   Even going from a long workout to a shorter workout.

My coach allows me to modify my workouts during the week to accomodate my schedule.  His only restriction, no doubling up after a hard workout.  It should be a rest day.

Same thing with the bike.  No going for a 50+mile bike ride then following up the next day with a 10+ mile run.

There are days that are setup like a brick, but there is always a rest period so that the muscles can rebuild and recover.

Although you may feel o.k. you may actually need another day in there to fully recover.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 11/5/09 12:12 pm - TX
Thanks Scott! I think I do need to take my rest days more seriously.
on 11/5/09 3:35 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14

I have the same experience!  Yesterday I ran and it hurt like hades everything felt awful until like 2.7 miles and then suddenly I was fine after thinking no way I am stopping at the 5K mark today I can't do additional miles......I kept going at least another half mile, maybe more and felt good but I was out of time.

I have been doing strength training in between and skipping running days on the beginner schedule but I realized I guess I'm not a beginner at the 5K just at 5 miles so I can run more often, felt good today and ran at least 4.2 (tried to use mapmyrun that thing just ticked me off!) and possibly closer to 5 miles I am just totally unsure, but I know that I could have kept going, 5 miles would have been "easy" today. 

You are doing awesome, I am behind you learning and growing as a runner......I picked my first 10K for March 2010.  There's a half marathon in April but I just cannot see myself ready by then.  Maybe I am selling myself short? 

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



on 11/5/09 12:17 pm - TX


You are selling yourself too short. You are in great shape and you can do this! I have to be creative with my time too. I had to start waking up early, early on Saturdays to get it all in before my days starts. I do my short and medium runs on a treadmill at the gym while my 8 year old is sitting there waiting for me. We bring books and games, but it is still hard. I know this will all be worth it in the end!!!


on 11/5/09 6:30 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14

i can do a weekend long run no problem, but the weekday runs?  I get up at 4:45 just to have time to get my daughter on the bus, son to daycare and get to earlier is not an option during the week.  (no treadmill, no gym membership option).

So I will make it happen, it's just getting more difficult.........looks like I'll be doing some late evening runs which does not thrill me at all.  I don't even like the evening races.....

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



Linn D.
on 11/5/09 10:47 am - Missoula, MT
The other thing to think about is your recovery eating.  Do you eat a good recovery meal?  All the research says you should eat a 4:1 carb:protein ratio within 30-60 minutes after a workout to replenish glycogen stores.  Then, if you've done an extra long workout (like your long runs) have another meal an hour later.  

I started doing this last year and it's made a huge difference in how I feel for my workouts especially 2-3 days later.

on 11/5/09 12:19 pm - TX
Thanks Linn! I will have to get creative with my carbs. I don't eat a lot of pasta and bread. It does make sense to have a recovery plan. Thanks again for the advice.

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