Marathon report ..... long post

on 11/2/09 2:56 pm - Barboursville, WV
Hi guys

Had a great day! Every thing did not go as planned but with a couple small adjustments it was fine. Time was 4:21:16, 9:58 per mile average.

I got up at 5:30 and had every thing laid out and ready to go. Ate breakfast and took some vitamins. Told my wife I wanted to be there by 7:00 for a 7:30 start. Well at 6:55 I told her that I was going to have to leave without her. We jumped in the car, which I already had running and made the 15 minute trip in about 12. Didn't have time for my normal warm up, so ended up doing half of what I wanted. Got to the starting line as they were finishing the national anthem and some one said a prayer and off we went.

I have been doing my long runs at a 10:00 per mile pace. I had planned on running yesterday at 9:30 pace. Well for the life of me it was all I could do to keep it at 9:00 minute miles at the beginning. After 3 or  4 miles I got it down to 9:30 and bounced up and down between 9:00 and 9:30.

I was keeping with what I did in practice and taking a gel and water or Gatorade every three miles and at the half way point I felt great. My wife was showing up till about half way and taking pictures and giving me a boost, about there she got confused about the route and I didn't see her again till the finish.

Every thing was going fine till just past mile 16 or 17, then I started getting a little twinge of pain in my calf. Well sure enough I was starting to cramp. I tried to relax and just kept on going. All the while I was running I was trying to figure out why this was happening. So what I came up with was I was not taking in enough fluid. I was walking through the water stations and drinking just like I had planned, but they were handing out 8 or 10 ounce cups but they were only half full. I didn't think it would make that much difference, but it did. At mile 18 took a cup of water and Gatorade and downed them both. Tried to stretch and then my left ham string tried to cramp. I kept telling my self to stay calm and take a minute to stretch. I went back and got 2 more cups and downed them.Started running again and hoping that would help. Evidently that's what it was, it took about three miles for the cramps to completely subside. After that I would grab a cup of water and Gatorade at each station.

That little episode drained a lot out of me but I just kept telling my self I could do it. After that I was able to maintain a 10:00 minute pace. Because I had such a good run till the cramping started I was hoping to break 4 hours.

Considering having to drink more than I had planned and taking 3 piss breaks as well, I am happy with my time.

Another thing that went wrong was I lost a gel while pulling one out of my pocket another one came out and instead of stopping abruptly I just let it go. That was fairly early in the race and I just kept doing them as I had planned. Some where I skipped one but I don't think it was till after the cramping. Also I wore a long sleeve top with a compression shirt underneath. I had planned on taking it off if I needed to. I was going to hand it to my wife at some point, but when I didn't see her any more I didn't want to take a chance on losing it. Should have bought a throw away at the thrift store.

At the end you go through Marshall University, as in "We are Marshall" the movie,  past the memorial to the plane crash victims and then out and down the block to the football stadium. You have to go down a ramp to the field, along the side line and you finish by going from the end zone down the middle of the field. The announcer reads your name off as you come across the finish line.

I think one of the hardest things about the whole race was running down the ramp, man it was steep. After running 26 miles my legs were not feeling the strongest. The last thing I wanted to do was to run that far and  then fall on my face going into the stadium. I carefully made it down the ramp. Crossed the line got my medal and fought the urge to just collapse. Walked up and down the side line 3 or 4 time, sat down and tried to do some light stretching. Met up with the wife, got some water and a banana, was afraid to sit down again because I didn't know if I would be able to get up.

I have read some of you talk about the emotion****ting you when you cross the finish line. Well it didn't hit me until later. I ride with a motorcycle club and I had a meeting I had to go to that afternoon. I could have not went, they knew where I was, but I had to go. I came home and did the ice bath, took a shower and ate. Got on the Harley and took off. I was on the interstate only going 9 mph over the speed limit with the rock and roll cranked up on the Geezer Glide and that is when it hit me, I DID IT, I ACTUALLY DID IT! I cranked the music up a little more and enjoyed the ride and the feeling of accomplishment, blasting down the highway all the while trying not to cry like a baby.
So that's my first marathon. I did enjoy it and learned a lot from it.  Hopefully more in the future. Next year Nov. 7, 2010.

pan head

Darrell H.
on 11/2/09 7:22 pm - Sinton, TX
Awesome report. Thank you so much for sharing. I finally get to run a half in less than 2 weeks and a full Jan 17. Thanks for the inspiration.

Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 11/2/09 7:31 pm - Bloomington, IN
Great job!  I really enjoyed reading your post.  Our first half marathon is Saturday and I know I'll be thinking about your experience as I run.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Rob S.
on 11/2/09 8:48 pm - DE
Great job, and thanks for reminding me about the importance of hydration. It's amazing how emotional the accomplishment can be on you.  Here's to plenty more!
on 11/2/09 9:29 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Great job and great time!!! You killed it out there! Keep up the great work and rest wel...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 11/2/09 10:23 pm - Cumming, GA
awesome job, and very inspiring pan head!  i love reading reports like this.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 11/2/09 10:52 pm - Levittown, PA
Well maybe running late was a good thing so you didn't get psyched out waiting around.  

Congrats!     You beat Oprah!   :)

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
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If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!

Scott William
on 11/2/09 10:59 pm
Way to go man.  The ten minute mile is a great barrier to break.  I am glad that the emotion did eventually hit you because that's one of the best parts. 

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 11/2/09 11:46 pm
Awesome job,

Congrats on the great effort, and thanks for sharing the race report.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 11/3/09 1:12 am - TX
I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks so much for sharing. Congrats to you on your big accomplishment!!!
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