Breakfast 1/2 Marathon morning???

on 10/29/09 1:45 pm, edited 10/29/09 1:45 pm - AZ
 So...advice from all of you regarding pre-race nutrition.  This will be my first half marathon.  I normally do my training runs in the morning but I pretty much roll out of bed, drink some powerade zero and head out on my run with shot blocks and more powerade.  I don't normally eat before my run.  However, I know on race day you can't just roll out of bed and run, you have to drive to the race, pick up your number and wait.  I know I'm going to need food or I won't make it through the run.  I was thinking about a banana and a protein bar.  What have your experiences been and what would you recommend?

Also, anything special for nutrition the day before the race?

Thanks!! I can't believe race day is almost here!!

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 10/29/09 2:51 pm
If you are going to have any carbs 2 days before the race is a good time slowing reducing them on day 1 until the night before when you are back on your regular protein first type diet.  Whole wheat pasta, Good carbs vegetables etc.  I followed Dave Scott's article on it said heaviest carb meal at lunch time 2 days before race, slowly reducing the remainder of the day and into the next day.  Two days give you time to make sure you have maxed out your glycemic stores and by tapering it off you won't be flooding of overloading your body with glucose or sugar in your bloodstream.  Everything will be properly digest and where it belongs.  I don't know if it mattered or made a difference, but I did have enough energy, never had a problem with that.  Could have been dumb luck or just coincidence, but it worked so I'm going to try it again this weekend. We will see if I get the same results.

3 hours before you race for your final meal.
Give you time to get the food processed.  You don't want to run with a hunk of food weighing you down.

Banana is great, so is a protein bar, or part of a bagel and some peanutbuter or some combination of those. 

Good luck with your race.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 10/29/09 9:48 pm - Fort Worth, TX
That sounds good... I would only recommend that if you have a protein bar, make sure it does not have a lot of Sugar Alchohol, as that can cause bloating, gas, and GI Distress....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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on 10/29/09 11:33 pm - Levittown, PA
Good advice so far ... and honestly with a half you really will not need much food fuel in your system from breakfast.   I only do a protein shake and a little coffee for even my full marathon 20 mile training runs.   I don't want GI issues out there!    Be sure you have your replacement nutrition for the course.

It's really a great idea to mimic your race day morning several times prior.   Get up at the same time.  Eat at the same time/thing .... run at the same time.

This way your pretty confident that your plan is going to work and everything agrees with you.  

Remember the golden rule ... never try anything new on race day!

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on 10/30/09 12:31 am - TX
I usually try to eat some whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter and a banana.

Don't forget to hydrate!

Good luck on your race.

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