How soon to start exercise after surgery?

on 10/28/09 12:28 pm
So I had the lap band 1 week ago.  I've lost 13 pounds.  I went for my follow up today.  The nurse asked if I was exercising yet. 

I walk around but, seriously, I get tired real fast.  500 calories a day (only liquids now, start solids tomorrow) is not enough to go out exercizing!  She said I'd feel better when I start my vitamins (tomorrow as well).

Anyway, I wondered how it went for you guys.  Were you able to go back to regular exercise after 2 weeks or what?  I was having fun pre-op doing my belly dancing and Tae Bo videos.

Now?  1 more week?  1 month pre-op?

Thanks for the advice,
on 10/28/09 10:08 pm - Bloomington, IN
I was walking two hours after my RNY surgery.  I really didn't start "exercising" until about two weeks post-op.  I did get my surgeons approval before I started exercising though.  The rapid weight loss did take a huge toll on my energy level for about two to three months.  It was at the three month mark that I was really able to step it up.  Congratulations on your surgery and your weight loss.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 10/29/09 12:29 am
As soon as you can.
I had a 6 week Dr. ordered wait before lifting weights or doing core abdominal work.  But he had me out walking the halls after surgery and walking the neighborhood as soon as I got home.

His said do whatever you feel like you can do except weights for the first 6 weeks.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 10/29/09 1:36 am - TX
Hi Elizabeth,

I was banded too. I would stick to walking and slowly increase that and add other things when the doctors gives you the okay. Your port needs time to heal and the scar tissue will in-case the port quickly, but you don't want to do anything too crazy that would prevent it from healing well or "probably attaching itself". Working out will be a huge boost for you and your outcome. Best wishes to you!

Oh, and the aftercare/staff's job is to record these sort of things. I'm sure they're not expecting you to become a fitness guru overnight. However, your work outs will play a huge role in your success.

on 10/29/09 2:31 am - Northern, CA
I was back in the gym doing cardio at 2 weeks out. (Walking before that.) I didn't feel up to anything that stressed my abdominals until 2 months out.

Whenever I lacked energy, I'd up my protein intake. It helped a lot.

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on 10/30/09 11:49 am
Thanks for all the responses!

Yeah, I'll probably wait another week for real exercise.  It's just starting to get really cold outside so I was hoping to do something other than walking.

I used to be pretty active.  I was just a month away from my brown belt in karate when I had my last child (2 yrs old) and never really got into exercise again after that (and so got really big).  So I'm excited to get back into it and get back into shape.

Glad to have so much support on this board!

Jennifer R.
on 11/5/09 12:50 pm - Fullerton, CA
 I just saw my doc for my 2 week post-op today and asked this exact question. They said I can do the stationary bike, treadmill, or elliptical. No pool until 6 weeks out and no lifting anything over 10 pounds. 

Courage is not always a lion's roar. Sometimes, it is a small voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.

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