recommend dumbell training routine?

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/09 1:52 am

I am looking for a good program to start weight training.  I have a nice set of dumbbells and a bench (and other things like a ball, a barre, a mat, etc).  It seems all of the books I look at start w/ a young, already-in-pretty-good-shape person.  I am looking for something that starts w/where I am at  - a middle aged, obese woman beginning to lose a lot of weight.  My personal history is to adopt programs too advanced, work too hard,  get tendonitis then quit.  I don't want to do that again.

Can anyone recommend a book that starts out w/weights really light, and has a good overall progression - e.g. which exericises, how much weight, how many reps, how many days per week?  I have looked and looked at book store and have come up empty.  :-(



on 10/29/09 6:49 am
I don't have a book to recommend, but based on your questions I would recommend:
1. Start out very slow and very easy.  Lift less weights than you think you can.  If you hurt after your workout, you are doing too much.
2.  Do light weights and more repetitions.  If you get sore or tired stop.  Give your muscles a chance to improve and grow for you.
3.  Alternate the areas you are working.  Don't do the same muscle group every day.  Give your muscles a chance to heal and rebuild
4.  Keep your weight increase minimal.  Don't make too big of a jump from one weight to the next.  Use the smallest incrimental weight increase you can.  Set a goal for the increase.  When I can lift this weight for 3 sets of 12 repititions without feeling pain or discomfort then I will increase my weight for the next workout.
5.  Stretch.   Keep yourself flexible.
6.  Consider getting some of the rubber exercise bands.  That way you are getting resistance without having to support the weight.  This is a good starting point to help you reduce the potential for injury.

check out you can find video examples of how to do the exercises.  Yes everyone you see is going to be a healthy fit person.  It's kind of like a clothing add.  Even the big and tall stores do it.  Most of the models in those catalogs don't look like they need big and tall clothing.  Same thing with workout vidoes.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

(deactivated member)
on 10/30/09 1:41 am
Thanks Scott - the page you referenced is helpful.   I'll just wing it I guess, or see if I can't find a local trainer willing to work w/me.  Gotta do it though.  I have a friend who has lost over 100 lbs now, and has done no weight or aerobic exercise.  Sadly, he looks wasted, and I don't want that for me.


on 10/30/09 1:44 am
I hope you find something that works for you.

I lost a lot of muscle by not working resistance training into my exercise pattern.  Now It's an uphill battle to get it back.  I was focused on doing aerobic exercise.  I should have done both.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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