The pressure is on....any advice for a newbie?

on 10/27/09 12:47 am - TX
I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon and started a 10 week training plan just last week. I'm a couple of weeks behind, but I think I'll be okay because I've been doing the "required miles" prior me starting the "plan". I'm no stranger to working out and have been running for awhile.

The pressure is starting to really build. I told my family (yikes) and they're so excited and want to share in my small milestone. They're making plans to attend and rally me on. My sister's company is a small sponsor and her boss has given me race wear and the "excitement is spreading" like wild fire.  I'm thrilled...I truly am! I realize they watched and suffered too all  those years I battled with depression and obesity so I know this means a lot to them too.
 I'm just so nervous about letting anyone down. I'm not going to make excuses (won't go there). I have to admit the pressure of "staying well" is mounting. My knee is starting to give me trouble. I've been icing it and taking meds after each run. I woke up today with a sore throat. What do you guys do to keep well and what happens if I get sick? I'm nervous about getting behind on my training. I am very determined do see this thing through. There is no quiting in my game plan. I will do this! Any advice for a newbie?

Also, I do my 3 to 4 miles days on a treadmill because of the nasty weather and my 8 year old has to go with me. I'm a busy Mom and I have to get creative to get it done. I do my long runs outdoors on Saturdays before everyone wakes up, regardless of the weather.  Is it bad that I'm getting some of my miles on a treadmill?

One more question I promise...
I'm banded (lap-band) and my stomach can't tolerate eating a lot of pasta or a lot of whole grain breads. I can and do eat them though.  I'm putting more fruits and veg. in my diet. I can't really carb up like  most runners.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any helpful tips or suggestions!!
Best wishes to all!!
on 10/27/09 12:58 am - portland, OR
I don't see anything wrong with using a treadmill--if anything, it is easier on your knee, which you need to be careful of so it doesn't get injured, especially right before a race. 

The way I see it, as long as my respiratory center isn't blocked, I can run. When I run, it's with an open mouth to suck in as much oxygen as possible, and I belly breathe, too, to try to optimize my lung capacity. So even with a snuffy nose, I can get out there. If you are running a fever or have chills or achy bones, though, that's a sign of flu, so I would rest as much as possible to give your body a chance to fight it off. Flu season bites! 

I know what you mean about carb-loading--I can't do much of it. But I know  that the energy gels they have out there are small, compact, and help keep a lot of runners going during their long runs. You might give those a try. Jelly Belly also has sport beans that are supposedly a good, lightweight solution to the need for energy during a long run.
   "Fall down 7 times--STAND UP 8!"
on 10/27/09 1:43 am - TX
Thank you so much for the advice. I was thinking the treadmill would be good too because I'm not risking using un-even ground, rocks, etc. I will have to check out the gels and beans. Thanks again!
on 10/27/09 1:07 am - Fort Worth, TX
That's awesome you signed up! You will do great... Nothing wrong with treadmill work, however, if you want to simulate what it is really like to run outside, I would suggest setting the treadmill at  2% incline. Eat a lot of mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes the days before... There are some good sources of carbs aside from pasta and you will be fine! I would stay away from the fruits a day or two before the race, fiber is no good during a run! Have an awesome race...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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on 10/27/09 1:45 am - TX
Thanks Dan! I will put your suggestions to motion. You're awesome! Congrats again on your season!
on 10/27/09 1:36 am

Don't worry about the pressure of letting anyone down. Enjoy the experience.  Everyone is glad that you are attempting this, and nobody is going to remember anything except that you did it.

No worry about the treadmill.  I feel a difference when I use the treadmill, but you are running outside as well.  It is also your long run outside, so you will have a good feel for what that 13 miles is going to feel like.
I'm faster on the street.  I can take full strides, the treadmill I have to modify my stride so I don't step off the belt.
The treadmill is easier less effort needed
The treadmill is gentler on your bones and joints
Add some incline to the treadmill to better simulate outdoors 2% incline is good.

Getting sick happens.  I ran my first 10k with the worst cold I have had.  I couldn't breath and I was a snot producing machine.  I bought a couple cloth baby diapers from the store and used them as bik handkerchiefs for the run.  I wasn't going to let it stop me.  Yeah I was slow and I had to walk a lot because of the breathing issues, but I finished.  You sound like you aren't going to let anything stop you.  Good for you.  You can do this.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 10/27/09 1:50 am - TX
Thanks Scott for the wonderful suggestions and the encouragement! You guys are so great here! I'm so glad I found this forum. I have no doubt it will play a big part in inspiring me to complete this goal! Thanks again and best wishes to you!!

on 10/27/09 2:12 am - TX

First good luck on the race.  You will do fine!!  I too have to ice after my long runs, but don't let that get you down, just keep up the good work you will be fine.

I don't know of anybody that can eat like Dan can.  Just eat what you can and make sure to not try something different leading up to the race.

What  1/2 are you going to do???

on 10/27/09 3:19 am - TX
Thanks Darrell! I had a good laugh about the poke at Dan. He can be intimidating in more ways than one. LOL! 
I'm doing the same race as you- White Rock, but I'm doing the 1/2. I hope to tackle the 26.1 someday. Thanks again, for the encouragement and advice. Best wishes to you!

on 10/27/09 7:28 am - Fort Worth, TX
"I'm doing the same race as you- White Rock, but I'm doing the 1/2. I hope to tackle the 26.1 someday"

I don't think you should sell yourself short, you should  try to do the whole 26.2, and not stop at 26.1 LOLOLOL... Could'nt resist. Sorry!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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