Survived the marathon today!!!
I can't help you with NYC. Although it's only 5 hours away, I've only been there twice.
Mary would be your best source:
Try messaging her.
I can't help you with NYC. Although it's only 5 hours away, I've only been there twice.
Mary would be your best source:
Try messaging her.
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."
Oh my goodness. What a story and what a day! Talk about Daring Greatly! And you helped others dare greatly as well! What an inspiration. Please give me all the advice you can. It could be that cold in January at Houston, but I doubt it. (Now that I said tha****ch it be in the teens!) Either way, now I know that getting in electrolytes is so important. Thanks for that. Great job my friend. Good luck on your next one. Y'all dont know how many pre-game football speeches you guys and gals have been.
Tri Daring Greatly!
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"