BIG Saturday Workoutss Ya'll...

on 10/16/09 11:01 pm - Fort Worth, TX
OK Guys,

    Whether you are racing or putting in some training, let's hear what it is...

I woke up at 4am and got a 9 mile run in 1:22:46.... which, ironically enough, was exactly 9 minute miles! I averaged 9:20's on the way out (4.5 miles) and negative split that bad boy on the way back in averaging 8:40's.... I felt great! Now, off to coach the son's soccer team, then I have a 2 hour ride with a 1 hour brick after. I will chime back in later with my updates. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MARATHON SAXMAN!!!!!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 10/16/09 11:51 pm
Great job! I don't run but I do walk as fast as I can and my fastest walk has been 13:28 minute miles. I can't imagine going as fast as you people on here!!

My PLAN is to walk without pushing my kids. I'm hoping for 6 miles today. Our gym isn't open so I might break out the step and listen to some 80's music and step for 30 minutes. Days like this are hard when my husband is only awake for a few hours and my 16 year old is away for the weekend helping with grandma. I HATE making excuses so I will say no matter what I WILL get 45 minutes of cardio in today!
Cassie W.
on 10/17/09 6:33 am
60 minute spin class, followed by a 15-minute walk on the treadmill.  Still no running due to the hamstring.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 10/17/09 6:43 am - Fort Worth, TX
OK so I did not get my full workout in... I ran this morning and only got in an hour ride. My body is just tired, and 1 Hour longer on the bike with a few miles on a brick is not going to make a huge difference for my fitness in Ironman next week. My body is beatdown from a long season and I am going to take it easy because I am absolutely going to DESTROY the course in Austin next week. Take care ya'll...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Elisa K.
on 10/17/09 7:34 am - Lumberton, NJ
My husband and I did the Harbor Seal 5K on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, NJ.  It was an out and back on the boardwalk.  The out was not bad - I was actually making pretty good time.  The back kinda sucked.  The wind was wicked!!  I'm not sure if it was raining, or if it was just the water blowing in off of the ocean, but it was not fun!!  Good news - I came in 5th out of 14 in my age group, and I won a prize in the chinese auction!!   
Rob S.
on 10/17/09 11:13 am - DE
So the weather was not cooperative this morning for our 18-mile run, so we went to plan B.  I am definitely not a fan of the treadmill, but it looked like with the rain, cold, and wind that was going to be our only option.

We could have headed up to my gym, but my running partner had another solution.  Her law firm has a beautiful gym on the 9th floor overlooking the city of Wilmington.  We decided we would break the run into 2-days to break up the monotony of the treads. 

So we ran, and ran, ran and 9-miles later we shut down the treadmill.  A couple of things that I have found is that with the treadmill, I have a lot more time to ponder gastric distress (although I never needed to get off).  I also think that the treadmill sort of give you a fake sense of accomplishment.   And the other thing I really enjoy about running is taking in the landscape, watching people out early in the morning (my favorite is the "walk of shame"), and having to pay attention to the different textures on the road.  Oh well, this is my bias and I'll have to live with it.

Tomorrow morning we will recon and decide if the weather permits us to run outside or it's back to the gym.  If it was the actual day of the marathon we would have to run regardless, but niether of us want to get so worn down that we can't finish up our training.

Still having fun.
on 10/17/09 3:49 pm - Bloomington, IN
 I had to work today and I'm on call so I decided to do my running on the treadmill.  I did five miles.  I kept a pretty good pace but I would have liked to done more.  My right knee was giving me some issues so I didn't push any farther than five.  Also, before I left the hosp. I did the stairs from the basement all the way to the top....six floors worth.  I'd not done this before and I'm happy to say that I wasn't even winded.  I'll start building on the number of flights that I do at a time.
                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 10/17/09 4:14 pm - AZ
 I got in a 9 mile run today, took me 1hr59min which isn't fantastic but falls right in my average pace so I'll take it.  My 1/2 is in 2 weekends (scary!) Fortunately I survived the run with only a bit of twinging from the groin discomfort I've been having (although everything hurts now! :)).  All in all, a good day.


3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 10/18/09 4:54 am - Cumming, GA
did a gym workout on saturday (cardio only this time due to time contraints)... did 20 minutes of running on the TM, which is the most i've done since my knee has been giving me fits, it felt a bit tight but otherwise good.  then i did a good hard spin on the stationary bike for 65 minutes and averaged 24 MPH.... i know this is no way correlates to the real world, but it was a PR for me on the stationary bike.  i attempted the starimaster as a cool down, but stopped after 5 minutes as my knee started to tighten/have sharp pains....
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 10/19/09 4:40 pm - Northern, CA
Did an OWS down in San Diego. Skipped the run after as I'm resting my bad calf.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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