Awesome Track Workout & Saturday Workouts Ya'll.... COME ON!!!

on 10/10/09 4:27 am - Fort Worth, TX
Whew, what a day. I had a pretty awesome track workout today. Here's how it went:

2 Mile warm up at 8:45 pace (17:29 total time)

4 x 400 repeats at 90% effort. Averaged 1:40 p/ lap (1 mile)

8 x 800 repeats at goal race pace. Averaged 4:01 (4 miles)

4 x 400 repeats at 90% effort. Averagd 1:46 p/ lap (1 mile)

1 mile cool down at 10:00 pace

and .5 mile walk to loosen up. TOTAL WORKOUT = 9.5 Miles

THEN, I went to the gym and swam 2400 Meters in 39:40

An awesome day of training... WHAT DID YOU TODAY???
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Darrell H.
on 10/10/09 5:23 am - Sinton, TX
Great workout Dan! I had the best run I have had in quite a while. Made 11 miles in a little over 2 hours at 11:02 pace. Don't know that I had much left afterwards as my legs felt like mush, but not until I actually stopped running. I have 13 miles next Saturday. i was going to run in a 1/2 marathon for that workout, but our football game next week is in San Antonio again and I probably wont get home till 2:30 am. Probably not too smart to run in a 7 am race. I will keeep on keeping on till my 1/2 mary in San Antonio 11/15 and then my full marathon in Houston on 1/17.
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
Scott William
on 10/10/09 8:23 am
I'd say that any workout that involves 8 by 800 would be a great workout.  Nice job!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 10/10/09 11:35 am - AZ
 I survived my 8 mile run and really I guess some days you can't ask for more than that.  Everything hurt by the end of the run but I finished and I only lost about 30 seconds off my mile pace.  Rewarded myself with a pedicure so now I'm feeling great!

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 10/10/09 12:18 pm - portland, OR
Ran a nice, steady 10-minute pace for 3.77 miles today. I am literally running my ass off! Fit into a size 6 last week.
   "Fall down 7 times--STAND UP 8!"
on 10/10/09 1:57 pm - Bloomington, IN
 We ran 5 miles this morning and went for a 10 mile bike ride this afternoon.  We had 3.38 inches of rain the last two days so it was nice to get back outside and exercise again.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 10/10/09 6:40 pm - Northern, CA
1:45 on the bike. I did intervals called 4xLadder. So after a long warm-up, I did a 1/4 mi sprint and recovery, then a 1/2 mi. sprint and recovery and then a 1 mile sprint and recovery... four times!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

Linn D.
on 10/11/09 2:26 am - Missoula, MT
Spin class for me followed by 700 yd swim.  Haven't swam in a few weeks, so it was good for me to get back into the pool.

on 10/11/09 8:12 am - Cumming, GA
saturday was a rest day for me...
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 10/11/09 9:12 am - Chatham, NJ
You guys are nuts . . . but, you sure do keep me motivated!

I did my first 6 mile run outside yesterday prepping up for my 10K in Nov.  Finished it easily, but the hills definitely made it an amazing workout.  My muscles were really sore today.  Now, I realize why so many people run outside - what a rush!  And, I didn't even need my iPod . . . just me and nature.

Did my first cardio kick-boxing class, figuring I would take it easy.  Well, not so much.  Another great workout.

Tomorrow's definitely a rest day.

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