nervous excitement

on 10/7/09 2:37 am, edited 10/7/09 2:38 am

Does anyone have any relaxation or calming routines they use for the pre-race jitters?

Sunday is my 42nd birthday and I'm celebrating it with my first 1/2 marathon.
I can feel the butterflies already and it's not like i'm even competing against anyone or anything.
It almost has that pre-event choke feeling to it.  I want the race to start already so I can stop thinking about it. 

I was sick for a couple weeks, still with no explanation for it (I have an ultrasound scheduled for this Friday), but that really hurt my training, and my nutrition.  The only things I could eat without having pain or distress was dry toast, crackers, bananas, and rice (the rice was iffy) So even though I couldn't eat much, I felt like I was constanly hungry from the carb overload.  I actually gained weight during this time from all the bread and bananas.  Not exactly what I wanted to do.  So I guess the poor nutrition and lack of working out has me stressed out a bit.  I really had high hopes for this weekend. 

With the screwed up last couple weeks, I think I am going to be relegated to having to run/walk.  I was so hoping to run the whole thing, but after a couple 3 mile runs this last week, I don't see that happening.  Those 3 mile runs felt as hard as the 8-10 milers I had worked up to.

Does anyone here have a run/walk pattern they use?  I was thinking of running the first 3 miles to the first aid station, then walking for 2 minutes while I drink.  I want to try and keep that pattern for the entire race.  But I'm afraid that once I stop running it will get harder and harder to start back up.

My coach said that since this is my first 1/2 marathon, I should look at it as a P.R.  no matter what I do it will be a record for me.  I have another 1/2 marathon scheduled on Halloween, and I can get back on track for that race, but I'm still bummed because this race was on my birthday so it had some special meaning for me.  My initial goal was to do the race with 12 minute miles (i'm slow)  but with the prospect of walking i'm not sure i'll make that.  Maybe I'll just pack my camera and relax, have some fun, snap some photos at the rest stops etc.  It should be a beautiful run.  All of the vineyards should be producing some nice colors and the scenery is beautiful up there.

I have one more short run this week and 1 day of an easy 45 minute spin on the bike.  The rest of the week is limited to stretching and staying loose.  With it getting dark early I have been forced to go back to the gym and workout on the treadmill. 

So any suggestions from you distance experts would be great.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 10/7/09 7:41 am - Fort Worth, TX
Yo Dude,

     You never know what you have in the tan****il the start line, so don't doubt yourself. Here is a standing rule... If you remained motionless and did no excercise for 1 month, worst case scenario you would lose maybe 10% of your endurance. With that being said, you should be able to accomplish your goal. Trust your training and start thinking positively... It kind of sounds like you are doubting / not trusting the hard work you put in. You have trained your butt off for  months on top of months, I PROMISE, that 1-2 weeks of not much excercise is not going to have anywhere near as much of an impact on your result as you think it will. As for the excitement, just roll with it...  Racing consumes me and I am basically useless the week leading up to a race. Your going to do awesome bro... I have a good feeling about this!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 10/7/09 10:49 am - Port Huron, MI
  Ditto on what Dan said -- you've worked for this and you're ready. Listen to your body on Sunday and don't underestimate the adrenalin rush of the atmosphere!  You've got the right mindset going into it, you just don't trust yourself.
Run/Walk -- this is what/how I do it.  I will probably start walking the aid stations between mile 5-8.  I can't drink well while running and I need to get into the routine early in order to maintain my pacing.
Basically as I'm approaching the station I start sucking on my gel or sport beans and grab a cup of water to wash them down.  Then I grab some Gatorade, by the time I get to the end of the station it's been 45-60 seconds and I'm off again.  It's enough to get what I need and give my body a limited rest before we're off again.
Can't wait to read your report!
on 10/7/09 10:50 am - Port Huron, MI
on 10/7/09 10:52 am - Port Huron, MI
Brian W.
on 10/7/09 12:45 pm - Belmont, CA

Great advice so far.  I'll just speak from experience and as with my last half-marathon, go out easy and see how you feel.  You'll likely be focused on dodging people, finding a good rhythm and by the time you realize it, you'll be a couple miles in.  Walking a couple aid stations is a good plan to give yourself a break (plus avoid tripping on all the cups).

When you get deeper in the race, take a look at the spectators and let them cheer you on and it'll carry you to the finish.  Listen to the body and you'll do great

on 10/7/09 12:54 pm
Thanks guys, just a lot of nervous energy I guess.

I'm really looking forward to the race, I just have some of the fat guy save energy for the finish fears.
I think I just need to let go and have fun with it.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 10/7/09 2:07 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 10/7/09 3:03 pm - Northern, CA
You can treat it as a series of 5ks or a series of 10ks. That's kind of what I did. I didn't stop, but I marked them off that way in my mind.

I also went for a small 15 min. warm-up jog about an hour before the race started and I set my pace based on that.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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