Saturday's 5K

on 9/26/09 11:57 pm, edited 9/27/09 12:00 am - Barboursville, WV
Hi Guys,

   Milton, WV has a Pumpkin Festival and starts it off with a 5K. Got up on time, had usual breakfast. Got there in plenty of time to get my packet and do my usual warm up. The one thing I need to do is line up a little closer to the front. There was 225 or so that signed up and 200 finished. I think some didn't show up because of the rain, or threat there of.
I set my watch for a 7:50 pace and got to that, after having to weave through a few walkers and other runners. The course has a few little hills but is probably 2/3's  flat.  The hills had me breathing hard to recover but I kept pushing through. The hills are in the first mile while weaving through streets of town, then we turn onto the main highway over a mile of straight and flat stretch. After that another short gradual up hill, then sudden down hill and then flat back to the start.

 I came in 32'nd out of 200, my time was 23:52 which comes to a 7:41 mile pace. I was so concentrated on the finish line I didn't even look at the timer when I came across the finish line and I didn't punch my watch till after I crossed. When you make the last turn you can see the finish line about two blocks away. I didn't have any one I could catch or any one behind me but I did give it all I had left to the finish line. My time last year in this same race was over 2 minutes slower, so I am happy with it.

I guess if I learned any thing from this race is that some times planning pays off. No real surprises, which some times is a surprise in it's self.

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Darrell H.
on 9/27/09 2:55 am - Sinton, TX
Great job. Awesome time. Planning is the thing I have got to get down. Keep up the great work!
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 9/27/09 3:28 pm - Barboursville, WV
The planning thing is tough. It has taken me a while to figure out what works for me. I think it is an on going thing. I have learned a lot from my mistakes. You will figure it out.

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Cassie W.
on 9/27/09 3:10 am
Congrats!  After focusing on distance training, that 5K time is pretty impressive!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 9/27/09 3:51 pm, edited 9/27/09 3:51 pm - Barboursville, WV

     I am happy with the time. I have ran one 5K in the spring a little faster, 23:17 I think it was. It was a flat course, not a hill in sight.

I did my long run this evening, 18 miles and I was rethinking running the 5K yesterday. I could still feel it. The last mile and half was really tough. Plus at about 9 miles I had a real bowel problem. Had to walk some so as to not have an accident, finally made it to a port-a-potty at the end of the park I was running in. That was the longest 2 miles I have ever tried to run.  I say park, it's a long gravel running path that is three miles but runs through a residential area. No place to duct and become one with nature. Day of rest before the next long run.

pan head
on 9/27/09 9:25 am - Port Huron, MI
 Way to go!!!  Great time and sounds like a great race for you.
on 9/27/09 4:09 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks, tonight I feel like a slug after today's long run. It's hell getting old.

pan head
on 9/27/09 3:45 pm - Northern, CA
That's an awesome time!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 9/27/09 4:10 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks, any time I can do sub eight minutes I'm happy.

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