Triathletes/Marathoners: how much trouble am I in????????

on 9/23/09 7:13 am - Port Huron, MI
So I knew I was going to be pushing myself this fall and I hope that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew!!!!
Here's my thing:  after going hardcore through the first week of August I relaxed some before my last 70.3.  Well, I've done 4 days of straight running (getting over this stupid cold) and am feeling good, BUT I'm worried that I'm woefully undertrained for the Detroit Marathon (Oct. 18).  I've done 2 70.3's this summer, a 13 mile run & a 15 mile run (both in July).  There's a 20 mile out-n-back training run Saturday that I think I'm going to do.  Figure I can turn around anywhere I want.  I was hoping to drop my marathon time from 5:00 down to 4:20 but don't think that's gonna happen.  I think 4:30 is doable.

NOW, here's the bad part:  I've got the NYC marathon 2 weeks later.  God I'm excited for that one!!!!!  On the flip side I'm not worried about my time on this one.  Maybe I'll feel incredible, but I plan on carrying a camera with me and probably getting with something like a 5:00 - 5:30 pace group and just cheering on the first timers and having a great experience.

SOO... those of you who have done both:  how much can I count on my tri training to carry me?  course I can have a great run Saturday and feel secure about things, but..... 
Cassie W.
on 9/23/09 10:42 am, edited 9/23/09 11:02 am
Dan, take this with a grain of salt since I haven't joined the 70.3 club, yet.

But, my thoughts are that you have the endurance for Detroit based on your 70.3 training, but may need to focus more on long intervals/tempo runs to come close to your time goal.

Since it's been a while since you've ran long, I'd suggest running 14-16 miles for your long run this weekend.  Start at a nice easy pace, but run the last four miles 15 seconds per mile faster than your planned marathon pace.  Do them as one-mile intervals if you can't sustain the pace the entire four miles. 

The week of 9/28, consider a semi-long tempo run during the week as one of your quality workouts, maybe an 8-miler on Tuesday if it fits in your schedule.   Keep your other runs somewhat easy the rest of the week so you can attempt an 18-20 miler two weeks before Detroit.

The week of 10/5, consider doing an 8-miler on Thursday as one of your key quality workouts: 1 mile warm-up, five 1-mile intervals at 20 seconds per mile faster than your planned marathon pace with 2 minute rest intervals, plus 1 mile cool-down.   I'd keep your long run the weekend before Detroit at 10-12 miles.

The week of the marathon, you could still get in one more round of intervals on Tuesday - 1 mile warm-up, 2 miles at race pace, 2 minute rest interval, 2 miles at race pace, 1 mile cool down.

Hal Higdon suggests getting a massage 48 to 72 hours after the first marathon and another before the second marathon. 

Good luck,


"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 9/23/09 11:38 am - Fort Worth, TX

 Bro, you have completed 2 x 70.3's... Think of it this way... You have been training to move for 6-7 hours and are THERE! That's a lot more time than your marathon will take you. Your training is solid and I think you are ready. Hell, I say run 16-17 miles Saturday and take a long taper... You are ready bro, don't doubt yourself.  At this point with the heavy season you have, less is more. Let your body recover, your base from your marathons earlier in the year is there, trust it! My two cents.. Do I get any change? Now shaving off 40 minutes off a marathon will be a challenge, but I would focus on running slow and strong and finishing without bonking and focus on doing what you did in Muskoka, NEGATIVE SPLITS baby. YOU got this...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 9/24/09 7:04 am - Dacula, GA
You've got the background to complete the marathon w/no problem.

Dunno if you have the speedwork to get your goal...BUT you will be in good shape.

If I were you I'd take the first marathon easy and ballz it on the one 2 weeks out. If you go for PR on #1 you might injure yourself for NYC.

Just my thoughts...not that they're worth anything:)
on 9/24/09 9:44 pm - Port Huron, MI
 Thanks guys!!!  I was hoping/thinking along this line but then I read a thread on Slowtwitch that they talked about a marathon being considerably more difficult than a 70.3.  That got me a little worried.  Not sure if I'm doing the supported run Saturday or not.  I'm doing a long run, just not sure if I"m making an hour drive to do it.

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