Thursday workouts

on 9/24/09 4:20 am - Colonial Heights, VA
OK you s****ucking lowlife LOSERS!!

I'm on a rest day, so this evening I am moving railroad ties from my brothers across town to our summer community pool, then off loading tem and dragging them across the property to help fix a sand erosion issue.

Then i got a jogging date tomorrow before I go into weekend football officiating mode.

C'mon,... knock my socks off with your physical accomplishment(s) today,..cause I know you got out there and did it!!!   Go ahead, rub my nose in taking a rest day........make it hurt!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 9/24/09 5:07 am - Bloomington, IN

If you call moving and dragging railroad ties around an off day then you are the man!!!!  That alone should count for a good solid workout.  As for me, I was going to do my cardio outside today but it's rained all day and it doesn't look like it's going to stop.  I guess it will be the gym for me and my wife tonight.


                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Michelle B.
on 9/24/09 10:41 am - Augusta, ME
I did a 4 mile run.  This lady was walking 2 dogs.  I see many dogs on my run.  Just as I was about to go by her, one of her dogs jumeped up and bit me in the thigh!!!  Man I was so not impressed.  Now I have a bruise on my leg!!!

Consult weight 235   / Day of Surgery 191   / Current 133 / Goal 125

Darrell H.
on 9/24/09 12:03 pm - Sinton, TX
Wednesday is usually my speed day, but I had some serious family issues to deal with and was not able to work out at all. The stress was still with me today, but I woke up at 4 and got the speed workout in. I warmed up for 10 minutes at 5.2 then I had 6x400 meter intervals at 7.5 with 2 minutes rest in between, followed by a 5 minute cool down jog at 4.5. It felt great to get the workout in. Tomorrow is going to be  a ling day. i will wake up at 4 for my workout then in the afternoon I will get on our charter bus for our football game in San Antonio 2 1/2 hours away. Probably wont get back till close to 2 or 3 then I have a 7 mile long run scheduled Saturday Morning on Ocean Drive along the bayfront in Corpus Christi.
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 9/24/09 1:19 pm
I did 2 mi walking/running intervals. Times were awful because I felt awful and just not into it    :( But I finished, at least.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle

"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris

Lost 169 lb before getting pregnant!
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
on 9/24/09 3:03 pm - Northern, CA
Thurs. is Crossfit day. We did a workout routine called Turkish Sandbaggers.

We had to run with a sandbag over one shoulder and then swing kettlebells while our partner took their turn. My partner and I ended up with the heaviest bag -- 36 lb. and the medium weight in kettlebells - 26 lb. I can't believe I swung that thing 42 times. I remember when doing it 30x with that weight was exhausting.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 9/24/09 11:36 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Well, it was between you and Sehts shuffles but I 'm picking you as the make it hurt winner of Thursday's workout post.  Sandbags and kettles wins. 

So who is your slave driver,.er um, I mean trainer??  You lose a bet or is this how thaey keep it interesting in CA?
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 9/25/09 1:36 am - Northern, CA
This is my Triathlon Coach:

He also is the coach of my tri club's "New to the Sport" program.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 9/24/09 4:17 pm
I have had an intestinal bug the last 3 days, so the only exercise I have been getting is the fast shuffle.
I am supposed to be getting in a long bike ride this weekend so I hope that clears up.  If I still feel like this tomorrow it will be another day down the tubes, Saturday is family reunion day, sunday long bike ride hopefully.

It is getting close to the half marathon and I just wasted the better part of a week being sick.  Not fun.

I hope everyone else is having a healthy productive week.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/25/09 12:24 am - Cumming, GA
gym brick workout as prep for next weeks sprint tri....

35 minutes of weights (back, shoulder, bicep), 50 minutes of hard spin on stationary bike (>110 RPM and made it just under 19 miles), 30 minute brick run on the TM for 3.45 miles (5K split was just over 27 minutes), then did a death climb on the stairmaster for 31 minutes 135 flights....
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

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