Monday workout 09/21
Wow, youse guys have been busy with all the races and big buck bikes and even tattoos.
I signed on to officiate 6 rec league games last Saturday; 3 games at 1 p.m at one location then a 40 min drive and 3 more games at 6 p.m at a second location. Don't ask me why but I didn't realize I'd be running around from 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Rookie refs; what can I say??
I got to work Head Linesman on a 4 man crew because I get to work the first down and chain crew as well as be responsible for the 100 yd side line on my side of the field (yes there is a Line Judge on the other side w/o chains). I got a kinda sideways compliment. They keep me on the side cause bsides keeping the chains and downs correctly they ( the ref and ump in the middle of the field) told me I had a good set of wheels; I did a good job getting up and down the field (i.e., I could run).
So Sunday I got a call wanting to now if I could do games this coming Saturday. So I got 7 games (yeah, 1 more than last Saturday; I'm a slow learner), at 3 locations starting at 8:15 a.m. and the last location starts at 6 again,... so I'll be there till 10:30ish.
I figured I better stay on top of my endurance so I when out for a longer route to jog after work today than I have done since getting back to running last May 23rd. After I got back and mapped it on, it turned out to be 6.5 mi route and I did it in 1:20. My first ever 10K was 1:34 and my last was 1:05 in the rain. So I was pleased, but obviously need to keep working.
Thanks for the all the success stories being shared. You guys are way out there but I still take it as inspiration that I can be/do better/more too.
:O) Joe
I signed on to officiate 6 rec league games last Saturday; 3 games at 1 p.m at one location then a 40 min drive and 3 more games at 6 p.m at a second location. Don't ask me why but I didn't realize I'd be running around from 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Rookie refs; what can I say??
I got to work Head Linesman on a 4 man crew because I get to work the first down and chain crew as well as be responsible for the 100 yd side line on my side of the field (yes there is a Line Judge on the other side w/o chains). I got a kinda sideways compliment. They keep me on the side cause bsides keeping the chains and downs correctly they ( the ref and ump in the middle of the field) told me I had a good set of wheels; I did a good job getting up and down the field (i.e., I could run).
So Sunday I got a call wanting to now if I could do games this coming Saturday. So I got 7 games (yeah, 1 more than last Saturday; I'm a slow learner), at 3 locations starting at 8:15 a.m. and the last location starts at 6 again,... so I'll be there till 10:30ish.
I figured I better stay on top of my endurance so I when out for a longer route to jog after work today than I have done since getting back to running last May 23rd. After I got back and mapped it on, it turned out to be 6.5 mi route and I did it in 1:20. My first ever 10K was 1:34 and my last was 1:05 in the rain. So I was pleased, but obviously need to keep working.
Thanks for the all the success stories being shared. You guys are way out there but I still take it as inspiration that I can be/do better/more too.
:O) Joe
Man that's a lot of reffing!!!!! For the second time my band got a delay of game penalty -- I wasn't pleased. One of players ended up hitting him in the family jewels on a play and I didn't feel one bit bad for the guy (Karma I thought). Not sure why we got the penalty but I believe it was because we played the national anthem 1 minute late. Anyways, I hand it to you guys -- it's not an easy job out there!!!!!
I got in 5 mile run today and figured out why yesterday was so bad: I'm sick!!! Start of school and getting reintroduced to all those nasty bugs out there. Plan on doing 5-8 tomorrow depending on how I feel. Saturday may be a 20 mile supported run
I got in 5 mile run today and figured out why yesterday was so bad: I'm sick!!! Start of school and getting reintroduced to all those nasty bugs out there. Plan on doing 5-8 tomorrow depending on how I feel. Saturday may be a 20 mile supported run
You take care of your self, that school germ exposure thing is no kdding around real stuff. I suppose it helps you build immunity to germs after a while,...hows that for theory??
I learned you can't kill the germs by running them to death. You only make yourself more vulnerable. Go with caution and best wishes on the 20 miler!
I learned you can't kill the germs by running them to death. You only make yourself more vulnerable. Go with caution and best wishes on the 20 miler!
Good job Joe. Dont let them coaches give you a hard time out there.
I officialy started my marathon training plan today. The plan called for a 40 minute jog. I ran on the treadmill at 5.3mph with 1% incline. Plan called for a 11:40 pace but since I have built up a pretty good base, I picked it up a little and was at about an 11:06 pace. Tomorrow calls for cross training. Will probably get some bike work on an indoor trainer. Expecting pretty heavy rains tomorrow afternoon.
I officialy started my marathon training plan today. The plan called for a 40 minute jog. I ran on the treadmill at 5.3mph with 1% incline. Plan called for a 11:40 pace but since I have built up a pretty good base, I picked it up a little and was at about an 11:06 pace. Tomorrow calls for cross training. Will probably get some bike work on an indoor trainer. Expecting pretty heavy rains tomorrow afternoon.
Tri Daring Greatly!
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
Quickie 3 mile run this morning, shaved a minute per mile off my time because I was really late getting out of the house ;) Hour water aerobics class after work. Good day exercise wise.
3 1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!
Four is an excellent just-getting-back-to-it distance. Way 2 Go! So the zipper implant is doing OKie Dokie?? (See if we had a port of some sort, they'd only need to cut us once and then reuse the same,...never mind. I guess if I have to explain it isn't really very funny to start with.)
Welcome back to the road warrior team!
Welcome back to the road warrior team!