Race report from Hinson Lake 24hr run, 70 miles

Chris S.
on 9/20/09 11:23 am - SC
What a GREAT race they put on!! Its only $24 to join, Tom Gabell the Race Director does it with family and volunteers. They make homemade soups, you can tell someone cooked the turkey themselves, they had a brthday cake for one of the runners who they noticed was running into his birthday, really a fantastic race

My only one flaw I saw, NO EMT's or aid station. I would gladly pay more next yr and even more to have EMT's on hand. I asked the guy at the food station-wheres the aid station, he said-I guess I am it-what do you need...

OK-so woke at 4am, race started at 8am. I was excited. Got there early. Its a 1.52 mile loop around Hinson Lake in Rockingham NC. It was a "run as you please, stop when you want, go when you want" race. Truly a great atmosphere. People respected those trying to break 120miles and those who were virgins to ultra's (ME)

Went out well, first lap was 16minutes---TOO FAST gotta slow down. I drank while running, ate (Clif Bar brownies) and protein bars. The temp was fantastic, it got up alittle in the afternoon. I never really needed any training or looked into electrolytes and replenishing them. My lifewater always did the trick with marathons...but around mile 20/noonish, I started feeling light headed nausea, stomach cramping (too much to eat??). The lap was thru nicely padded walking trails around the lake. 1/2 way there is a 300ft bridge with benches. I got to it, others were there too, I sat down and swung my head too fast and started blacking out. A veteran runner grabbed me, I laid down, put my feet up. The runners were so good. This one guy was going for 100 miles and HE even stopped and talked to me. Going for 100 miles you'd think you'd want to keep moving. Found out I was not replacing my electrolytes well enough. Mile 20 was around noon time, 4 hours. I had slowed down my pace but it was warm...one woman gave me some of hers she was carryng and said when I get back to the start stop by her tent and whoever was there would give me more...like I said great people

I had 15 people I was texting as I went along, my wireless support group. I went alone to the race-could not find anyone to go with me. I WILL NOT do that again. My 3 hour ride home was not fun...anyways around 6 hours 20 min I passed the 26.2 mile mark and went thru check in and said "44....and I am now going further than I have EVER gone in my life...26.3 26.5 27....the volunteers all cheered for me!! I asked if I could be put on the leader board for that...ummmmmm no but have a piece of birthday cake!

My goal was simple; run alot with little walking the first half until I needed to walk alot with alittle running in the end. I remember hitting 40 miles around 6pm. I thought 40 miles!! I would be happy to go home with thes---then they brought out the Papa Johns pizza. OMG I told the 65 yr old woman handing it out "I love you M'am"...

So then I set my sights on doubling a marathon, 52.2 miles. I hit that around 9:30 (yup slowing down)...crossed check in and said "44 (my number) and I just DOUBLED my own PR for distance"..again cheering. GREAT volunteer group and even runners were congratualting me...

So then I thought why not go for the 100K. By this time I was kinda race walking most of the lap with alittle running on the downhills (mostly flat but amazing how your body feels the weight of the downhill and carries you). Temp was getting cooler, I changed socks sneakers shirt and shorts...wanted to be refreshed somehow...hit the 62 miles at around 1am....checked in and said "44 and I just did not FIRST 100K"...even at 1am-they cheered for me. AGAIN they would not let me put my name on the leaders board but I did get more pizza!!

So, I'm good I'm happy but I thought 7 more hours, I am now averaging 30 minute miles (but I am still going-still moving)...why not shoot for 70. It gave me alittle boost. The trails at night had lightsticks to mark the path but without a headlamp it was complete blackness. Thank goodness the RD said in an email one of the things to bring would be a headlamp! I loved mine!
It was around 5:45am, the race ended at 8am. I had one more lap to hit 70. I thought I could walk it and get in probably 2 laps to bring me to 71.5, or run this last one and get it done. So, I ran/shuffled the last 1.5 at a tune of 30 min miles...I came in, "44, 70 miles!!! and I am done!!" and they cheered me-SUCH good volunteers

It was around this time that people would latch onto each other, It made the lap go much faster, you'd push each other without knowing. I met a guy who was trying to break 50 before he turned 25, I met a professor -the birthday boy-who was trying to hit 72 miles on his 55th birthday (a PR for him--he did not make it, but did do 67 miles), I met Doyle the 220 mile man, I met a 12 YES TWELVE yr old boy running/walking with his Dad an ultra runner who's goal was 35 miles!!!!and he made it!!!!!!!!!! WOW. I met one woman who ran the "Badwater or Badlands" ultra in 135 temps...amazing stories all day long. I said I was running the Ridge to Bridge marathon next month and several had run it andd gave advice from the run to the hotels and where to park

This race had SO MANY veterans, it truly was a fantastic experience. I met one couple hell-bent on doing a marathon together for the 50 state club (they liked this one-24 hrs to do it) and completed it in 8 hours...and I would say 90% of the time walking and talking and holding hands!!

I was getting in fluids, electrolyte pills, did some Pepsi Max for something different... I changed socks and sneakers 4 times (wanted to stay fresh)...used 2nd skin blister protection on my toes--they are not nice looking right now. I peed a few times (good indicator of good fluids) even had to potty break for #2...good indicator of eating enough. My pre-race weight was 242, my post weight was 235. Glad I did not go down much in fluids...

So-if you are looking for a non-competitive very low key, very friendly race to run and break into ultra's or even a marathon-this is it. No hills really at all, great volunteers, great running company and only $24 to join!! I asked him if he lost money because next yr I would gladly pay twice that to make sure this happens every yr, he said he made a profit and donated that to a local shelter...

GREAT race, great people, great time!
Darrell H.
on 9/20/09 12:01 pm - Sinton, TX
Awesome report and race. Congratulations. What a great job.
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
Cassie W.
on 9/20/09 8:47 pm
WOW! 70 miles and a 3-hour ride home! Your ability to push your body to extremes is amazing.  Rest up for that marathon!  It'll feel like a short run after your 24-hour adventure.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Chris S.
on 9/21/09 12:51 am - SC
Thanks Cassie! I "ran" (HA) into a few 50statemarathon clubbers on this one. I did not know this but they said if they did 26.2 on the 24 hour run it would count towards their membership. Good to know!

It was really great talking to them, they were on marathon 26, told me all about their Hawaii marathon, runners are just really good people (present comapny INCLUDED)

on 9/21/09 1:52 am
What a great deal!
Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing your story with us.
I love reading peoples race reports.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Chris S.
on 9/21/09 2:57 am - SC
Thanks!! Now that I think about the whole race---the real prize was the runners. There was so much experience there, and the fact that it was a 1.5 mile loop around a lake meant I would run into a few of the leaders as they lapped me....and everyone was so generous trying to help the new guy (me)
Scott William
on 9/21/09 2:21 am
I read this with great anticipation.  It was an awesome report.  I knew that you would get the 70.  Congrats on a wonderful accomplishment.  I am bookmarking this thread!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Chris S.
on 9/21/09 3:02 am - SC
Thanks Scott!

If you can swing it-do next years with me. I cannot tell you how well it was run, and how much experience/veterans were there. Like I said in a previous post, with a 1.5 mile loop you saw everyone again and again. The comraderie was fantastic.

The food was all homemade except the pizza. Soups were homemade. It was around a lake but I never got bothered by insects....it was just a phenomenal race

The race director told everyone at the start, "This is a run as you please race. Just remember to say "checking out" if you are leaving or napping or stopping for an extended period of time"

Next year 80 miles??
on 9/21/09 2:26 am
Not to hijack or anything, but this really sparked my interest, so I started web surfing looking for a local event.  I still haven't found one, but I did find a 24 hour triathlon


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Chris S.
on 9/21/09 3:05 am - SC
WOW that looks like a GREAT race-especially the run-bike option for us non-swimmers. What a great way to change up the muscles you are using..

If it wasn't so far away-I would do it!! Thanks for the info
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