Injury quandry...thoughts/suggestions?

Brian W.
on 9/20/09 7:42 am - Belmont, CA
Hey all

So I've run into a bit of a puzzling situation that kinda came out of nowhere. Last Sunday, I was doing my long run and about 5 miles in, my hamstring cramped up on me, it was to the point where I couldn't run.  So I stopped, got home and stretched, iced it.  I stayed off running for 3 days.  I did a slow run on Thurs, I could still feel it tighten up on me after about 3 miles, but I could finish.  Friday was the same deal, except it tightened up after 1 mile.

The tightness is in the lower hamstring, right where it meets the knee.  It feels like a knot.  The pain is kinda dull, but if it gets too bad, i'll stop, stretch and can continue for about another mile before i stop and stretch again. 

There is no pain or tightness when I'm walking or doing other activities.  I did 45 min on elipitical Saturday with no issues whatsoever. 

Trying to figure out how best to treat this thing and why its only happening when I run?

Any thoughts/suggestions? I have my half- marathon in 2 weeks and at this rate, I'll have to stop every mile or so and really dial down my pace. 

on 9/20/09 11:31 am - portland, OR
Is the knot swollen, red, warm to the touch, or painful? If so, it might actually be a blood clot, or deep vein thrombosis. Those suckers are serious and need to be treated by a physician.
I would certainly recommend that you see a sports medicine doctor in any case. Remember RICE--Rest Ice Compression Elevation. If you have any of the above symptoms, DO NOT compress your leg. However, the other 3 are okay to do. Also, if you get the green light from the doctor, add a longer stretching period before you start your run. Runner's World online has some good hamstring stretches you could use.
   "Fall down 7 times--STAND UP 8!"
Brian W.
on 9/20/09 2:36 pm - Belmont, CA
Thanks for the reply.

Its not a blood clot as there's no pain to the touch, no redness.  In fact, when my leg is not motion and I feel around, i can't even feel the cramp, no pain at all. Last Sunday, at its worst, I was able to feel it when i moved the leg, but only slightly.  Can't figure out what could be causing it.

on 9/20/09 11:58 pm - portland, OR
Actually, if there's a protrusion, it might be a ruptured hamstring. Rather than risk further injury, I would beat cheeks to a doc.
on 9/22/09 12:09 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Could be a partial tear too.  I'd get a professional to check it out.  Better safe than laid up for 8 months recovering from serious injury. 
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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