Barrys Bootcamp Videos? Any Good?
Anyone use the Barry's Bootcamp Videos. I saw the infomercial this am, it looked like a good program.
I have not exercised alot during my weight loss, In the beginning I had pain due to my Arthritis that got better with weight loss, I had just started back exercising, then I got injured in a falll and have not been able to do much, I hurt my knee, shoulder and hands. I love to bike outdoors, but cannot lift more than 10 lbs with out alot of pain and potential re-injury of my shoulder so that is out. I am to the point I could start some light exercise, I started water aerobics and got a good workout. Then I got a cut on my foot that has not healed yet, so I am not comfortable swiming, and long distance walking is out. I am going to try stationary biking again next week at the gym at work.
I saw the Barry's bootcamp videos and they looked promising (If I use them after buying them of course). Anyone use them?? Were you really out of shape when you started? My previous injuries make me very wary of exercise, and I have been using that as an excuse not to exercise. I'd gues if I go slowly it would be ok. Is there alot of twisting? and lunging. Do they show a level of exercises for one who is out of shape?
Thanks for any input