Hinson Lake 24 Hour Classic Run....70 miles!!!

Chris S.
on 9/20/09 2:08 am - SC
OK-race report to follow-I need to get some sleep, up for 33 hours...but I DID IT!!

I stopped running at 22hrs 30 minutes but I did 46 laps for 69.92 miles! I asked the Race DIrector, I cannot do another 1.5 mile lap, I ran the last one at a 15 minute pace....how do I get .08 because I am NOT going home and posting I did 69.92. He was really cool, he said run down to the end of the road and back ...I of course walked and BAM 70 miles at a 19:20 avg minute

One bad thing-besides my blisters and chafing EVERYWHERE, about mile 40 I went to go sit on a bench, feeling lightheaded. When I went to sit down, I was going DOWN to pass out. A veteran caught me, helped me up. I had nausea, stomach cramps, and light headed...eletrolyte deficiency. I was dringing lifewater, and trying to get salt in. A VERY nice woman came to my aid and gave me electrolyte tablets. I took 3, walked some more, made it back to my camp, she gave me half her bottle

I have to say--runners in marathons, triathletes, bikers...all REALLY good people. ESPECIALLY the veterans (which we have some of on here)

I am going to bed-one of my toenails is floating on a blister-yuck!

Good night! Race report later

The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin

on 9/20/09 3:14 am - Fort Worth, TX
GREAT JOB bro!!!! 70 Miles is a HUGE accomplishment. Congrats again... Rest up and I look forward to the RR...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Chris S.
on 9/20/09 10:15 am - SC
Thanks Man....Clif Bars rock! wow they never felt so good eating with chicken broth...normally a gross combination but at 1am with temps in the 60's...AWESOME
on 9/20/09 3:56 am - Bloomington, IN
Way to go!  That's really impressive.  Get some well deserved rest.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Chris S.
on 9/20/09 10:16 am - SC
Thank you Sir!
Darrell H.
on 9/20/09 4:04 am - Sinton, TX
wow awesome job!!!
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
Chris S.
on 9/20/09 10:17 am - SC
Thanks!! now if I can just save a toenail or 2
victoria R.
on 9/20/09 4:24 am - goose creek, SC
That is insane.  Congratulations that's quite an accomplishment.


Chris S.
on 9/20/09 10:18 am - SC
Thanks Vicki!!

Ya know the same thought was going thru my head at 4am....I AM INSANE!!
Rob S.
on 9/20/09 8:02 am - DE
Amazing accomplishment, Chris!  I wonder how long it's going to take your body to recover from this one.  Incredible to think you could  put your body through that much!  Thank goodness people are out there to help you out!  24-hour man!  That is something they can't take from you.
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