IM FL -2011??

on 9/16/09 2:52 am - Port Huron, MI
Sherry said awhile ago that she was planning on coming back to ironman events in 2011 (after baby is old enough for her to train).  Couple of us have said sure we'd love to do it -- just curious as to how many of us are considering this course for the 2011 year?  
For those not involved in ironman events, you need to register for most events 1 year out so it's not unimaginable that we're talking about this.
Chad's gonna be getting some major media time with his 'featured athlete' slot in Clearwater but I think it could be great for all of us locally and to attract a larger audience if we create a team for this.  Like Sherry said, imagine the positive PR we could get for all of us losing 100-200+ pounds!!!!
Just wondering about the potential here!  Even if we don't get any media/pr for WLS imagine the fun we'd have actually harassing each other out on the course!
on 9/16/09 3:08 am - Cumming, GA
I'm definitely interested... where and when?  I couldn't find any info on IMFL in 2011 on the site
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 9/16/09 4:24 am
I would be interested, but it would be a major undertaking for me, so not sure it's feasable.
I'm on the other side of the country, so this would be a big deal.  I'd have to involve some family vacation or something to go along with it.  Maybe a visit to to Disneyland or something.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/16/09 6:27 am - Port Huron, MI
 I'm going to guess Saturday November 5, 2011.  My thinking is that I'm doing CdA next year and baring me absolutely hating that experience I'll be looking to do another one in 2011 and with a number of other people on this board looking at doing races why not see if we can combine/focus towards a joint goal.  These things ARE doable, but they are major undertakings, personally, financially, and family-wise.
Just thinking/feeling the interest
on 9/16/09 6:49 am - Dacula, GA
Hubby and Coach already know I'm up to the IMFL 2011. It's the first weekend in November each year. It's a saturday race. IMFL is my IM PR. I love the course. A good training xp is the Gulf Coast Half Ironman mother's day weekend. I will NOT be doing GCT this coming year, but will be doing it next year in 2011.

My plan is to go to IMFL next year, volunteer and sign up in the volunteer line the next day. It's off season in Panama City Beach, so you should find a reasonable rate on a condo. The day before the race we can all get together and ride the course if we bring our bikes. I'll def. be doing the gatorade sponsored swims. I can run the run course w/my eyes closed.
on 9/16/09 7:08 am
Has anyone here done a cross country ironman trip?

What were your costs like?
I know airlines and hotels are subject to change, but ball park would be good.
Shipping the bike and rest of the equipment
Entry to the event.

I'm just trying to figure if it would be feasible at all.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/16/09 7:48 am - Dacula, GA
Scott...good thing is you can start saving now. Race fees w/ come to about $600.

I did IMAZ Nov. 2008. I flew pretty cheap on Air Tran. I think I got it maybe 350-300 total.

I used Tri Bike Transport to ship my bike. I've done that 2x...once also for IMLP. That's 250, but I pay extra for 300.

If you look around, book early you can save some $ with rooming.

It's expensive. Triathlon is like golf...a "rich man's sport." I'm not rich by no means, but make certain sacrifices to do trips like Ironman.
on 9/16/09 9:37 am
Thanks Sherry,

You are right I have 2 years to save.
I just wanted to have an idea how much I needed to save and see if I can squeeze that in.
I don't want to do it on an absolute bare bones event.  Something like this would require some celebration.  I definitely want a nice souveneire or two to commemorate the event things like that.

But that gives me a good starting point.  I think I'll sit down with the misses and see what we can come up with.

Mark me down as a deffinite maybe.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Cassie W.
on 9/16/09 11:08 am

I suspect that the success of completing Half Iron events in 2010 will tempt me to consider a full in 2011.  So, add me to the "maybe" list.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 9/16/09 12:06 pm - Dacula, GA
Cassie-please consider it. We don't want it to be a total testosterone fest, do we?
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