Want to join the YMCA, but there is a problem
So I went in, had the free tour to look around. Well off I went first to the pool, the only thing I found there was attractive females, and older men. No fat guys like me swimming around.
I went on into locker room, I seen no where I could privately change. Truth is, I know no one wants to see me naked at the moment. I figure I "Could" find a bathroom to change in though /face palm.
Tour goes on and no one is even remotely close to my size. Being 6'6 I would love to be able to do some of the weights, but I am in such bad shape 2 minutes I am done and gotta rest for 15 minutes.
I know I am not alone in this, so I am wondering how you other people have handled it. Also how would you handle the pool situation. I can swim for hours on end, literally. But I my self esstem just stinks in such a situation. Should I Just wear a shirt and deal with it? Or should I perhaps stick to walking and doing what I can at home?
My YMCA has a family changing area for those people who have small children. You know kids that you can't really expect to take care of themselves, but they might be too big to take into a dressing room of the opposite sex. The family changing room is a private room, only 1 family at a time, perhaps you could use that if they have one? You should ask if they do.
You know what I am totally self conscious when it comes to things like that. I hate changing in a group setting, but I found that my local Y was not full of meat head or steroid using musle brains. It was just the average Joe looking to get some exercise. I never had anyone comment on my size, nor did I ever catch anyone giving me the OMG what is that fat ass doing here look.
As I started losing weight, I did get tons of compliments and encouragement. You are right you can make some new friends there. Give it a try. You might surprise yourself and the people there might surprise you as well.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
First,...kudos for going and checking out whats available.
Second,.. do it for you and not for what others may think or you perceive them to think. As you workout and stick to the nutritional program, you will evolve like a caterpillar into a buttefly,..from a slug to a stud.
I did the walking thing that led to a jogging thing, that led to doing 5 and 10 K events that led to some biking and jogging and golf and now offciating football games. I never joined a gym or a Y and successfully lost weight and got active, mostly from the motivation and inspiration of the good folks and their support and accomplishments right here on the OH.com Exercise & Fitness Board. But swimming is great for endurance and strength and it is alot easier on the joints while the weight is comng off. And at 52 and recovering from hip issues, I am appreciatung my joints more than ever as I am able to still be active and hope to maintain it for as long as I can.
Weight training is also a wonderful thing for the body and keeping things tight and in the vicinity of the right places. So, You can do it on your own but if you can get yourself to the Y or a gym, gettinginside can be a major motivator to get that workout in also. Just dont become one that joins the gym but seldom goes. Joining the gym doesn't improve your health, unless you use the resource.
You are heading the right way. Be brave, do whats best for your personal health and don't worry about others perceptions. Soon they will be trying to keep up with you.
I had always avoided the gym because I did not want to be the center of attention in a room full of size zeroes. At 5'4 BMI 65 I would definitely stand out.
Long story short, I joined a gym at one of our local hospitals. I found the culture to be totally different. Folks were not there just to work out. There were rehab patients and people who wanted to be healthy, not show off their bodies. There were Physical Therapists and Personal Trainers who were all much more attentive than what you would find in a regular gym.
I was not made fun of or ridiculed when I tried a new machine or attempted an aerobics class. In fact I found the trainers and teachers more patient and willing to help.
There were people working out who looked like they just stepped out of a magazine but the attitudes were not prevalent and it made for a much more comfortable environment. So what I could only do 3 minutes on a machine. A trainer may walk by and give me a quick 'free' tip to help my form or endurance the next time.
I enjoyed my experience at the hospital gym and would definitely go back. Still would not go to a regular gym though.
Hope that helps.
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!
They have a pool and told me it would be fine for me to wear my shirt. So I am happy camper!
Thanks for the replies!
Hi! I see your doc is Blaine Nease; he's in Huntington, WV. I assume you live somewhere nearby.
I live just outside Huntington and workout at the Diabetes Exercise Center in at Marshall University. Lots of exercise physiology students around to help with machines etc. They also take blood pressure, heart rate and if you're diabetic blood sugar each day. Your doctor would need to refer you. Insurance doesn't cover but we pay by the month so if I don't go, I don't have to pay. They don't have a pool but do have lots of cardio equipment and Nautilus.
Here is a link http://www.marshall.edu/coehs/hpl/dec/ . Look into it, maybe I'll see you there!