Tuesday Workouts...

on 9/15/09 12:55 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Guys,

     I hope everyone is well. I had a PR today in the pool... 4300Meters in 1:10:18!!! Way happy about that...What did you guys do today?
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 9/15/09 3:25 pm - Northern, CA
I did a track workout where we practiced running a mile at different paces. I totally screwed up and ended up doing mine Hard-Easy-Hard followed by Easy-Hard-Easy which was *not* one of the patterns we were supposed to do!

Plus I keep pushing the Start/Stop button on my Garmin when I mean to push the Lap button. Blech.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 9/15/09 3:42 pm
Bke trainer night for me, followed by a short run.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/15/09 8:22 pm - NH
 35 minutes running and 25 minutes bootcamp

Elisa K.
on 9/15/09 10:25 pm - Lumberton, NJ
got a 6 mile run in after work.  I finally had a decent pace on this run.  I've had crappy training runs the whole summer - I am so looking forward to the cooler weather!!
on 9/16/09 12:27 am - portland, OR
I was in orientation all day yesterday and it was so hot afterward that I could only get in 3.57 of my projected 4 mile run. Oh, well! I was working very hard--I think it did some good!
on 9/16/09 3:12 am - Cumming, GA
gym workout w/ brick to prep for my 2nd sprint tri this saturday am...

did 40 minutes of weights (legs/core), 47 minute hard spin on the stationary bike (just over 17 miles), followed by a 30 minute brick on the TM @ 1% incline (3.4 miles).... cooled off with a 25 minute jaunt on the stairmaster, i use the stairmaster as my secret weapon for building cardio/endurance/leg-strength....
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 9/16/09 2:52 pm - Benton, AR
2 mile run/walk in the POURING rain, and I have the severe inner arm chafe to prove it. Sucks being a mile from home and find yourself starting to chafe. I think I jogged the last 1/4 mile with my arms held straight out. Ugh...
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