uphill both ways, in the rain and against the wind ha-ha

on 9/13/09 10:44 am
I went for a bike ride today It was supposed to be 70 or so miles.  One of the bike club members was turning 72 and thats what he wanted to do.  The ride was listed as A-B level so mostly a touring pace.  We didn't get a huge turn out, about 8-10 riders and we immediately splintered into a couple groups. 
I'm good to hang with the better riders for about 10 miles, then I get dropped.  I gotta work on that.  It seems pretty consistant, that's about when the lost me the last time too.

I was keeping my eye out for Marie, since she was doing the MS Waves to Wine ride today.  I may have even passed her, I sure saw lots of those riders on the course, but I don't know if we ever crossed paths.  I kept a look out for her team jersey, but with then heading one direction and me headed the other, the closing speeds were just too blazingly fast to be able to read any jerseys.

Today was not a sunny California day, it was overcast all day and windy.  It even started to rain on us during the second half of the ride.  I always thought those stories of having to and from school uphill both directions in the snow were old wives tales.  Well after todays ride, I think there might be something to that.  It sure felt like it as all uphill, and the downhill portions weren't nearly as steep or as long as the uphill portion had been.

Somewhere around mile 65 or so, I managed to miss a turn, my first clue was when I hit a road that was significantly south of where our finish was supposed to be.  At this point it had started to rain, I was hamburger and just couldn't make myself turn around and look for the road I missed.  I decided I would just keep riding until I got home.  Well, that was probably not the smartest thing, because it added almost 10 miles onto my ride.  All of which felt like it was uphill of course.  To top it off, about 1/2 mile from home I hit a big ridge in the road and blew out my front tire.  I was done.  I was in no mood to change the tire in the rain.  I got off the bike and hoofed it the final 1/2 mile home.  I hit that ridge or pothole or whatever it was so hard, I hope I didn't bend my rim.  I never saw it coming, but boy did I sure feel it.

Even with all of that it was a good day.  It was my furthest ride so far, and I'm happy to have done it.  I'm definitely need to work on my hill climbing, that seems to be where I suffer the most and I'm most likely to get dropped by the better riders.

Time for some more tylenol and to change my tire.  I bet I sleep good tonight.

I hope everyone else had a good workout today.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/13/09 10:59 am - Fort Worth, TX
SOLID ride bro... Love the Cyclo-Cross finish too!!! The best way to learn to climb hills is to.... Yup, climb hills... It's tough but it gets better... Work into your weekly routine some threshold hill repeats and you will be solid in no time. Remember there is a power to weight ratio that helps the lighter folks on the hills, thankfully  there is a weight to speed ratio going down the hills that favors the big guy! A guy that weighs 140 pounds and can squat 140 is WAY stronger than the guy who weighs 200 pounds and can only squat 140 pounds... That's the thing that plagues me with hills, but I am getting better on them, and doing training rides like you just did are going to help you tremendously. Keep up the great work and hook up an ice bath and or epsom salt bath. Keep it up bro! (Yeah I know... "That's what she said".... had to throw in a little "The Office" plug)
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 9/13/09 11:50 pm - portland, OR
YOU ARE THE CHAMPION, SCOTT!! You held up for an incredible ride and should be proud! It's really hard to face turning around to find the right path--when I pass by a turn-off on an unfamiliar route and don't realize it for a half mile, it's a real groaner to turn myself around and get back on track! You did great. Now you can take your epsom salts bath! 
   "Fall down 7 times--STAND UP 8!"
on 9/14/09 1:45 am
Yeah I went back and looked at the map and I see where I missed the turn.
There was a road that almost cut back on the direction I had come from.  It was right no a turn, so I probably didn't even notice it. 

Oh well, I guess I needed the extra distance.
Not too sore today, I'm feeling pretty good.  But I certainly have a new respect for the century and double century riders.  When I got home I was done.  I also can't picture running a marathon after that ride either.  I certainly needed to take in more fuel for that ride.  I was on empty and ready for bed when I got home.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/14/09 12:58 am - Bloomington, IN
 Scott, I know the general area where you ride and you've got my respect.  That can be some really tough riding.  I'd love to trade the rolling hills of Southern Indiana for Northern California-Marin County.  Way to hang in there!  Hopefully you feel better today.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 9/14/09 1:43 am
Yeah I love it here, but I was starting to wonder how many hills there can be.  The area sure doesn't seem hilly in a car.  I'm looking forward to getting better at climbing so I can take a few seconds to enjoy the scenery instead of having my head down and powering up a hill.

When I looked at the data from the ride, it was 5000 feet of ascent and 5000 feet of descent.  It sure didn't feel that way, but I guess I'll believe it ;-P


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/14/09 2:18 am - Northern, CA
It may not seem hilly in the car, but they are there on the bike! Plus, a lot of the roads were full of potholes and patches. I was pretty worried in parts about something going wrong.

I looked for you too, but I had on my rain jacket for a lot of the ride. You weren't wearing a red shirt and black pants, were you? That's the only person I saw who looked remotely like you.

Congrats on doing 80 miles. You're almost up to a Century!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 9/14/09 2:32 am
I was, but from the time you said you were passing through, I wasn't in that area yet.

I had on full length cycling pants, and a red Goldengate Triathlon Club Jersey/Cycling top.

Yeah,  My half marathon next month is on a good portion of that ride you experienced yesterday.
Those hills should be fun to run up.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/14/09 3:02 am - Bloomington, IN
 We did a lot of our cardio in the Presidio and worked out at the Presidio YMCA.  The only flat spot was along Crissy Field.  We REALLY miss the bay area.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 9/14/09 4:41 am

This is what Google thinks the ride looked like.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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