Band and Eating for Endurance Training Question

on 9/11/09 9:55 am
I'm needing some help here - I'm 5 months post-band and am down 50#. I'm also training for my 2nd 1/2 marathon (did my 1st Nov 08 - preop and met my goal of finishing - walked).  I'm in the gym nearly everyday, but I do take 1 full rest day a week.
I am currently doing a walk/run program 3 days/week, work with a running coach 1 day/week and cross train 2 days a week.  I'm pleased with my progress so far, but am wanting to take this to the next level. I'm continuing to lose weight and have about 40 left to lost.

On 1000 - 1200 cal/day, I'm not sure I'm taking in enough to fuel my workouts; I get fatigued much, much sooner than getting winded.  I have an appt to see my nutritionist next week, who is also an endurance athlete.  How can I be sure I'm getting the most nutritional bang for the buck if I'm struggling to replace my protein and am not able to eat dense carbs?

I need some help! I don't want to get discouraged!
237 preop
226 day of surg
190  current
140  goal
on 9/11/09 10:11 am - NH
 Please post what your nutritionist says - I have an appt with mine but it's not for another 3 weeks.  I'm also training for a half marathon this will be a run/walk event for me.  


Linn D.
on 9/11/09 12:14 pm - Missoula, MT
Certainly pay attention to your nutritionist, but I have one question for you to think about that may make a big difference.  Do you eat something high carb right after your workouts (within 30-60 minutes)?  If you don't, you really should.

I discovered the benefits of doing this last summer when I was noticing a great deal of fatigue on the third consecutive run day.  It's all about glycogen restoration to fuel the next workout.  I'm over 5 years post-op and can eat breads just fine now so I eat a lot of PB&J sandwiches as post workout meals, but I also use Cliff bars, Trio bars, or Kashi bars.  The bars have close to a 4:1 carb:protein ratio which is what's considered the best post-workout combo.

You might also need more total calories (I eat close to 2000/day), but this is a good place to start.

on 9/11/09 10:26 pm
Thanks Linn -
I do have low fat choc milk after workouts, but I have been AFRAID to eat breads or peanut butter.  I've not really tried bars yet either.  My eating was beginning to expand and I had another fill that left me with significant restriction about 2 weeks ago. I'm actually going Monday for a little unfill because I'm not able to keep down solid protein consistently. 

I guess that's my other issue - if I can't hold as much, then how do I get more calories in without venturing into calorie dense junk?  I'm anxious to see what the RD says....
Thanks for the good advice!
on 9/11/09 11:26 pm - NH
 Since I just had a fill yesterday I'll have to try this on next weeks long run -- I can't do plain bread -- bread with a lapband just doesn't work for me, but I'm wondering if I would be able to do toast with peanut butter?  

I still need to lose another 40 lbs so need to watch what I'm eating as well.  Last week I had an energy bar for my breakfast instead of my usual protein shake and that seemed to fill me up (actually couldn't fini****) and I didn't run into a wall on my 8 mile run/walk.  

I'm anxious about tomorrow long run because it's scheduled to be 9 miles and I'll still be on full liquids from my fill.

on 9/12/09 1:32 am
sounds like we're struggling with the same issues.

I'll be interested to hear how your long run goes. When's  your 1/2?
on 9/12/09 7:45 am - NH
 November 1st -- 7 weeks away.

on 9/13/09 6:25 am - NH
 Well - I'll be repeating my 9 miler next week -- I averaged a 16:13 mile pace - mostly because I did walking and not a lot of running.  So I want a do over where I do more running than walking and get closer to a 13 minute mile.  

And definitely noting to self -- definitely no fill the week or three before the 1/2!


on 9/13/09 8:19 am
Good Job! - Give yourself credit - maybe it wasn't the pace you wanted, but it's a far cry from the couch!

on 9/12/09 6:28 am - portland, OR
I've found peanut butter spread on toasted wheat bread is a good protein/carb combo, and goes down easy. I avoid untoasted bread because no matter how much I chew it, it tends to lay there in my pouch and have a hard time going through the stoma. THAT'S a recipe for the ickies, in my book.

I think we'd all be interested to hear what the dietician has to say! You can also take along food and fluids to fuel you during your activity, especially if it lasts an hour or more.
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