beware of open water hahah

on 9/4/09 1:15 am
I bet this wasnt funny, but

Many swimming triathletes are afraid of sharks, sea monsters, and jelly fish. Few think that the terror lurking in the deep may actually be a cute, furry otter. But as Cayla Gabruck of the Calgary Sun reported last Sunday, “animal attacks just keep getting odd-er."

Triathletes Sanford and Mary-Jane Schmid put on their wetsuits on August 22 and set off to swim a 1,500m lap around Lake Lillian in Invermere, British Colombia. The unimaginable happened 250 meters into the swim when terror emerged from the deep and hit Sanford on the foot. “It just felt like someone was pulling on my foot, like something was going to grab me," the victim explained. Schmid figured he’d just swum into a log, and resumed swimming.

Suddenly the monster attacked again, thumping Schmid’s foot for a second time. “At the time I didn’t know what i****ing me... I was out there in the water, helpless, while it was attacking me," a freaked Schmid told reporters. “I saw something come towards me in the water and I started kicking hard. I didn’t want whatever it was to bite me. I thought ‘the more I can move around, the less chance of it grabbing me.’" Some time during the beast’s blitzkrieg, a panic-stricken Mary-Jane fled to shore.

Terrified, Sanford sought refuge on a nearby wooden dock as the monster continued to assail him. During the fray he saw the fiend’s eyes, but still couldn’t identify his attacker’s species. “All you can see is this big brown animal coming at you through the water — you know it’s going to come at you, and there’s nothing you can do about it because you are helpless in the water," the brave Schmid recalls.

Finally, after fighting the savage beast all the way to the safety of the dock, Schmid reached shallow water. He stood up and struck his first major blow. “I was standing in waist-deep water and he came around me again, but this time I reached down and hit him with my hand."

The critter beat a hasty retreat, but then turned around and lunged at Schmid again. Finally, Schmid was able to pull his battered, war-torn body up on the dock while the otter swam underneath. Once out of the water, Schmid saw the chewed-up legs of his wetsuit and blood gushing from his foot. When our hero finally arrived to safety on the public beach, his distraught wife was waiting for him to take him to the hospital. Schmid was given oral and intravenous antibiotics, and a hearty tetanus shot at the hospital and sent home on crutches.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 9/4/09 1:56 am - Benton, AR
See, this is why I don't swim, except in pools. Too many things waiting to bite or sting and you can't see them clearly. In Arkansas it is all about snakes. And that old tale about snakes not biting under water is hogwash. How do you think water snakes EAT if they can't bite under water? *shivers*
on 9/4/09 3:18 am - Northern, CA
I'm worried about the sea lions that hang out at the wharf I have to swim around for Big Kahuna. I figure sharks are too rare to worry about but the sea lions are there every day and there are TONS of them.

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on 9/4/09 8:56 am - Fort Worth, TX
Reminds one of Rome!  :)
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Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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on 9/4/09 10:18 am - Port Huron, MI
 Simple solution:  live on one of the Great Lakes!!!!  If you've never seen one of them when looking at it from the shore it really does look like the ocean.  We don't have any of those nasty critters that can do any harm to you while swimming, often they are calm, and they tend to be very clean swimming water.  Downside is they tend to be COLD!!!!
I can only imagine that conversation when they got home: Honey, you left me to be attacked by an OTTER!!!! 
on 9/5/09 10:13 am - Bloomington, IN
 Sounds Otterly frightful!!!!  LOL

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