Wednesday Workouts

on 8/26/09 1:08 pm - Bloomington, IN
 Met my friend in the gym today and did a killer lower body workout.  Before the weights I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  When I was done my legs felt like they were made of rubber.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Linn D.
on 8/26/09 1:26 pm - Missoula, MT
My workout today was a 4.4 mile run (after the 2nd potty break I'd had enough) then went into the pool and swam 1000 yd.  Good workout!  Hadn't run since the race on Sat and felt better than I thought it would.  I like those days.

Scott William
on 8/26/09 2:01 pm
I ran 2.2 miles this morning and did 3 hours of rock wall building.  I am facing the fact that I am not going to have a good 1/2 time.  My LR is 6 miles and I will probably get it to 10 or 11.  That will be good to finish but that's about it.  Hell, its good enough for me.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 8/26/09 3:09 pm - Barboursville, WV

6 miles today. 9:13 overall pace. walked half mile and stretched. Upping the mileage ran 4.5 yesterday. Rest tomorrow then easy run Sat with a long run Sun.

pan head

on 8/26/09 4:21 pm - portland, OR
It's a rest day for me, so I rested.

It's funny, and OT, but I watched "The Spirit of the Marathon" on Netflix Watch Instantly last night, and it occurred to me that I must be one of those "Zen Runners." I never look at my watch, I just run the best I can for the distance I've set. I'm not a competitive person, I guess! I truly recommend the film, though. I totally bawled at the end!
Cassie W.
on 8/26/09 8:37 pm
Today was an easy 3-miler.  It was nice to actually be able to talk to my running partner in complete sentences for a change.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 8/27/09 2:36 am
well I had all the good intentions in the world.
I was going to do my run and then join my wife for a walk.
None of that happened.

So... I had to get up at 4:00 this morning to play catch up and get my run in.
Got in 6 miles this morning on the dreadmill set with 1% incline.

Tonight time allowing, I'll get my bike ride in.  Need to do 90 minutes on the bike today.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/27/09 7:04 am - Cumming, GA
Gym workout last night...

40 minutes of weights (legs and core), 32 minutes of stationary bike @ 22 MPH, 32 minutes on the TM @ 6-7MPH, and then 35 minutes on the stairmaster (151 flights)... somehow my legs were a bit sore this morning :)

rest day today...
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 8/27/09 10:16 am - orlando, FL
 I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill in 40 minutes.  My best time yet and one step closer to my 3 mile goal.  I also did some legs but the machines were really busy so did not do as much as I wanted.  Will try and make up for it this weekend.  Tonight (Thursday) was Zumba.  I was sore and tired because of pushing myself Wed night but I still went and did my class.  I love Zumba. 
on 8/27/09 12:12 pm - Mandeville, LA
I did a 7 mile bike ride with my neighbor!

Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow although I am hoping I can spend some time in the pool paddling around leisurely tomorrow night.  That would be sooooo nice! 

HIGHEST 273.5 / PREOP 263.5 / CURRENT 198 / GOAL 161.5

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