Any sports medicine guru's out there?

on 8/26/09 6:31 am - An Army Base, XX
I have a question if anyone is willing to help!


Linn D.
on 8/26/09 12:34 pm - Missoula, MT
Hey Kari,

If you ask, someone here might know the answer.  We're pretty good about not saying things unless we know for sure.

on 8/27/09 1:29 am, edited 8/27/09 2:47 am - Johnson City, TN
Not exactly Sports Medicine but close enough for government work.......What's your question Kari?

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 8/28/09 4:34 pm - An Army Base, XX
Sorry, I completely lost this thread!  I couldn't find it anywhere, lol.  Well here's the odd question.  I copy and pasted from a PM I sent to someone else that responded.

I would have NEVER in a million years pictured myself in a gym (unless it was at gun point) 18 months ago, and these days I'd rather be at the gym than at home!!  That is where my question comes in.  I'm having an odd problem with my right (non-dominant) arm the last few days.  Maybe you can help here.  I have no pain.  I did just increase my weights but am experiencing the same issue with low weight that I've been lifting for months.  My right arm all of a sudden seemed very weak and uncoordinated compared to usual.  Yesterday for example I was doing dropsets on the bench.  I started with 2 reps of 125 lbs and worked down.  I had to call on my spotter off the bat, very unusual for me, but my right arm just wouldn't go!  Then last night I woke up several times because my right hand and forearm were asleep as if I had been laying on it oddly  Changing position didn't seem to help.  This morning my arm felt a bit uncoordinated and weak and my palm, ring and pinky fingers had a kind of subtle pins and needles feeling and itched intensely.  Oddly enough I ate a high carb  meal (well high for me) and within just a few minutes all the odd sensations completely disappeared.  I hit the gym tonight and felt completely fine!  I worked out with slightly lower weights today in the interest of not aggravating anything.  I can't figure out what the heck happened!  Do you have any thoughts?  I really don't want to end up with an injury but if this was just a random fluke I want to get back to training, lol!  I have a weightlifting and bodystyle competition in 6 weeks and I need to up the intensity if I'm going to stand a chance!!  Thanks for your thoughts!!

I went to the gm again yesterday and experienced no issues.  Today was my off day but I feel fine today as well.  Strange stuff, it was a bit worrysome!


on 8/30/09 11:51 pm - Johnson City, TN
Hello Kari,
1. Has this or anything like it ever happended previously?

2. Is this sensation still occuring?

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 8/31/09 2:24 am - An Army Base, XX
Nope, nothing like that has ever happened before, it was VERY odd.  It has not occured again since.  The only thing that is different at all is that I've come down with a virus, but it is upper respiratory in nature not flu like at all, so no body aches, chills, etc.


Linn D.
on 8/29/09 9:00 am - Missoula, MT

Jeremy will likely give you his suggestions as a person with lots more experience on these issues.

That being said, my first best guess would be a pinched nerve (or pressure on it) in your neck.  I say that because I experienced some numbness and weakness in my right arm and hand at one point when I was having neck issues.  The main nerve tract to your arm goes through at C5 or C6 (don't remember for sure which one) and I occasionally experience these problems ever since when I have a lot of stress.  

I thought it was an arm/shoulder problem until I went to the doctor and was prescribed PT.

That would be my take on it and I'd suggest checking it out.  I discovered I also had some arthritis in my neck at C5 and it contributes to my problems at times.

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