Bitterroot Classic Triathlon

Linn D.
on 8/24/09 8:38 am, edited 8/24/09 8:59 am - Missoula, MT
Bitterroot Classic Sprint Triathlon.  750 yd swim, 20k bike, 5k run.  Final time: 1:30:43

So even though I got the pleasure of sleeping in my own bed the night before, I still didn't sleep well.  I got up early (5:30) to get ready for the 45-minute drive.  I knew I didn't start until 11:30, but wanted to make sure everything was good to go since hubby wasn't going.

Got there and picked up my packet and got numbered and proceeded to watch and wait.  I finally get to rack my bike and get ready to go (weather is pretty warm by now).  I was really nervous about the swim.  Everyone was really nice in my swim lane, so that helped, but I was the third starter and was only allowed to finish 14 of the 15 laps.  Not a happy girl at this point.  I thought I'd get 18 minutes, but I don't think they gave it to me since my swim time (for the 14) was 15:52.  More than enough time for one more lap.  Oh well, what's a girl to do but get out of the pool and go on.  I was the last one out in my heat.

I get to transition and now not too worried about time at this point (still a little upset), but I get ready and get on the bike.  Off we go.  The bike is what I'm fastest at, so I get going.  I ended up passing 3 men and 2 women on the bike.  That was nice, and I felt a little better at that point.

Back into transition, I get my shoes changed and remembered to put on the race belt this time, but I blew out a hole in the number so it's barely hanging on.  Kinda funny, actually.  I start on the run, but I never really get my legs.  I had to walk for a few seconds again and stretch out my shoulder from being on the bike.  I wish I could figure out what to change.  Maybe aerobars next year.

Anyway, I was able to pick up the pace over the last half mile and was able to finish the course over 3 minutes faster than last year (2 if you count the last swim lap I should've done).  Still, not a bad race, but really would have liked to feel better for this one.  The course is really nice, and the people who do this race are wonderful.  

By the way, even though I was pulled from the pool, my swim time would've been more than 2 minutes faster than last year (completed it in 20:07 last year).  I'll take that as a plus, and look forward to this race again next year.  I put so much into the Danskin that I didn't have as much left for this one.  Like I said, it was still a great race, and I AM happy with my overall results.

In case anyone is wondering, I don't have really accurate splits because T1 is added to the bike and T2 is added to the run.

I just checked the rankings by time, and I came in 34th of 86 women (have not idea about age group as it's not listed that way).  If you add the 1-1.5 minutes for the last lap, I still would have ranked 36th.  That makes me very happy since our community has some pretty fabulous athletes, and I was only 11 minutes behind the slowest elite woman.  Gives me lots of hope for the years to come...

Thanks for reading!


on 8/24/09 9:47 am

It is a bit disturbing to have your routine or plan messed with like that.  Little annoyances like that can upset your whole game plan.  I'm glad you were able to overcome it.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Linn D.
on 8/24/09 11:08 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Scott!

Actually, I'm one of these people who can go forward (most of the time).  Since I've had that experience once before, it wasn't nearly as awful as the first time, but still not pleasant.

Cassie W.
on 8/24/09 9:55 am
Congrats on finishing another triathlon.  11:30 seems awfully late to start an event in the summer time.   

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 8/24/09 11:05 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Cassie!

The first heat actually started at 7:30!  The elite men started at 1:30.  It really was quite a long day even before we got started.

on 8/24/09 12:45 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Nice race Linn! Way to stay positive and focused and another great finish! Rest up well and enjoy a lil time off...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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