Bad workout and it's effect

on 8/17/09 8:27 pm - NH
 Pan Head,

I'm trying to add some speed work into my treadmill session -- what does 200 or 400 meters correspond to in distance miles wise on the treadmill?  Yesterday I just did the speeding up for a minute or two minutes-- walked/jogged for 5 minutes to get warmed up - my easy run pace is 4.5mph right now (short legs), then I went to 6 mph for a minute and then 5.5mph for a minute and then 4.0 mph walk for 1 minute then 4.5 mph jog for 2 minutes and then repeated the 6, 5.5.5 etc for about 4 times.

on 8/18/09 1:28 am - Barboursville, WV
Tracks are 400 meters, 1/4 of a mile. The tread mills where I use to work out had a display of a track on it. It would show you where you were "with lights" on the track. After warming up I would crank it up and run for 400 meters, or one lap of the track. it was easy to keep track of because of the lights. After one lap I would do a lap at a slow jog to recover, then do it again. I would do it at that speed 3 or 4 times then I would do another repeat or set at a little faster speed. The last repeat would be that fastest and the hardest. At first I had a hard time with 400 meters so I would do it for half a lap. Since I dropped my membership I haven't done much speed work, but I am thinking about going to one of the local school tracks and starting again.

pan head
on 8/17/09 10:16 pm
Not doing any speed work like that.  I have 2 days a week where I have a shorter run, or have up to this point.  Usually about 3-4 miles and on each of those runs, my goal is to take a few seconds off the previous run.  It's been working pretty good, but I'm finally getting to the point where the time isn't dropping off of those distances.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/17/09 2:51 pm - Port Huron, MI
 You know what to do and how to brush this off!!!!  It can be frustrating at time, sometimes the wheels just come off on a run (or bike, or swim).  You just got to go with it and try to understand why.  Maybe the meteor shower screwed you up a little -- even if you have to reach for an excuse, lol.
There's no doubt that it was lonely and a little frustrating during my HIM to half to walk more than half of the 1/2 marathon but no matter what I thought, wished for, or wanted it was what it was.  All you can do is keep the head up high and put one foot in front of the other.
I thought you've done a marathon/half before?  If not don't underestimate the excitement factor and the adrenaline factor.  

By the way, you already answered your question in one of your replies -- if you don't care how fast you run than allow yourself to have really slow recovery portions of your run.  If you allow yourself to do this you'll complete this thing without walking (except to chew gum and swallow water)

on 8/17/09 3:22 pm - Northern, CA
If you stopped at 2.5 miles and not, say 7.5, then I wonder if it's related to warming up and fueling and the like.

What I was taught is that when we first start exercising, our oxygen requirements go WAY up but our body doesn't start burning ATP until 10 min. into our exercise. That's why I am always convinced I'm going to die for the first 10 min. of my run.

Maybe you should warm up for 10 min. with your bike in the trainer or something like that and then go out and run?

What does your coach say about it?

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 8/17/09 10:19 pm
I'm waiting for a call back from him.  Left a message for him.
I just looking to see what everyone else had to say as well.

When I hear all the success, some times I feel like I'm the only one struggling, so I wanted to see what / if others do when they have a bad workout or race.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/18/09 7:00 am - Northern, CA
Well, I think I told you about my problems with my training plan, but I'll post them here for everyone...

My plan called for a 6 mile run in week 1 and an 8 mile run in week 2 and 10 miles in week 3. I had run 6.1 miles before but it was in a tri and it was a LONG time ago. Usually I run 3-4 miles, sometimes 5 miles. I do that length of run a lot.

So I tried to run 6 miles and I couldn't. I ran 5.5. The next week I ran 6. Okay, now I'm on plan. But the next week I couldn't run 8. It was just too big a jump. So I just upped my mileage 1 mile each wee****il I made it to the 10 miles of week 3.

We all know about that famous run... it freaked me out. Next week called for 6 miles and I did that fine ... and then I fell off my bike and I've been completely off plan ever since.

I have determined that mileage based plans don't work for me. I do better with time-based plans. So that's what I'm going to do ... as soon as my knee is better.

I'm up to 90 minutes and I'm just going to run 10% more time every week for 3 weeks in a row, scale back in week 4 and then repeat until I get up to 2 hours.

I guess that means my answer is: when I have a bad workout that I think is more than just a bad workout, I change the plan to something I can do and work from there.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 8/18/09 1:35 am - Barboursville, WV
Totally agree with the warm up. What works for me is walk for a mile then a slow jog. I slowly speed it up to the speed I want to run at. If I want to run 8 minute miles then that is what I end my warm up running at. That way I am ready to start at that speed when the race starts. I usually take a good 20 to 30 minutes to warm up. Same thing with work outs, work up to the pace you want to be at then make sure you stay there. On my long runs I have to watch or I run to fast and then I can't run as far as I want.

pan head
on 8/18/09 1:17 am - Cumming, GA
bad workouts have had a HUGE demoralizing effect on me.  i've found that getting back on the saddle with lower expectations were significantly helpful (i.e., make the next workout a deliberate/slow/more pleasant experience that builds my confidence and helps me mentally).  i think that a bad workout makes me question my ability and makes me feel like i don't want to put myself through it again.  when i go out light afterwards i have had only positive experiences that led to overcoming any barrier.  hang in there, the best thing to do is what you are doing, talk about it and go over it rationally....
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 8/18/09 2:50 am - Fort Worth, TX

      Not every workout goes according to plan...Don't let a bad opne discourage you. Somedays I just "Don't Feel It" and call it  off. It's ok, it happens, don't let it discourage you or bring doubt into your mind. Trust in your plan, trust in your ability, and do your best every day! After all, that's all we can do right? It's impossible to do better than YOUR best. Take care buddy, you got this!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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