Seattle Danskin SheROX!

Linn D.
on 8/16/09 2:03 pm, edited 8/16/09 2:12 pm - Missoula, MT
So... This was a very interesting experience.  First big tri (over 5000 women) and farthest from home.

Race distances: half mile swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run

Hubby and I took off from home Saturday at 6AM just to get to Seattle in plenty of time to pick up my race packet and rack the bike.  Relatively easy drive, just a little tension once we got to the big city since my map/directions weren't the best.

Did the whole expo thing and made out with some pretty good food/drinks.  Went to go rack the bike and when we got it out of the car, my husband realized the back tire was flat.  Bad news since #1, I have yet to change my own tire, and #2, I don't have a patch kit.  Thankfully they had bike techs at the transition (REI is one of the sponsors) and they changed the tube for me and I found a spot for my bike.  They had just put up one more rack, so I took and end spot.  Went down to see the water and regain a little composure.  Lots of emotion going on and lots of stress kept me close to tears several times yesterday.

One really cool thing was that one of the speakers at the expo was Sheila Taormina (an olympic gold medal winner) who competed in the olympics in 3 different events - swimming, triathlon, and modern pentathlon.  I got a chance to talk with her for a couple minutes about how lucky we are as women in this day and age to be able to compete in events like this since many of our mothers (mine included) didn't have these opportunities in their youth.

So I didn't sleep well at all surprise, surprise.  Got up at 4 to get ready so we could get to the shuttles and off to the race.  You know, there's a lot less traffic at 5:30 am.  Got out to the race area (finally) in time to get my transition set up and stand in line at the potty.  I forgot to check my bike tires before going down to the water (not a smart move considering the flat yesterday) but by then I didn't have time to go back.  I didn't get to see the pros and elites start, but I did get to see the first few out of the water before it was my time at the staging area.  Very cool to see the very fast ladies.

Finally it was my time to get in the water and go.  First few strokes were about as panicky as I thought they'd be, but I figured I'd settle down and it would be okay.  I never was able to put my head in the water and swim normally.  Open water swimming is VERY different and something I'n not sure how well I'll get used to.  Anyway, I did a lot of side stroke before I started doing some crawl, but it was all head out of the water swimming.  I felt pretty slow, but managed to finish okay.  I also found the only big rock at the exit with my shin.  Fun.

The transition area is quite far from the swim, but I was a good girl and ran all the way up.  Transition took a long time, and I had trouble getting my jacket on.  I was still pretty wet and don't do well if I'm cold.  As it turns out I would've been fine without it, but better safe than sorry.  Got out on the bike course and inside the first couple miles is a nasty climb.  Wouldn't have been so bad, but there was a big bottleneck there.  I did manage to stay on the bike to climb (I wasn't about to get off and walk up) and got going again.  Thankfully, it was an uneventful ride.  Nice course, just little hills.  Passed many and only got passed by 3.  Off at the dismount area uneventfully, and back to transition.

After taking the jacket off and putting the shoes on, I had some trouble re-racking my bike, so I forgot something really important.  I started out on the run course and after a minute or so, I realized what it was - my race belt and number.  Once I realize this I go back to the mats and ask what I'm supposed to do since we're required to wear our numbers.  They asked my number and said I should go on.  Not sure how much time I wasted, but it was more than I wanted.  Back on the run course I get going again and started having this sharp pain in my right shoulder blade.  I slow down some to massage it a little, and get back on track.  The run is mostly out and back, mostly flat.  Until you get to mile 2.  Nice little hill that I managed to run up the whole way.  It was cool, there were drummers that you could hear going up.  Made it easier to keep going.  Once we got up the hill, it was flat for a couple blocks, then downhill.  I really like the downhills.  Then at the finish, Sheila was there giving everyone high fives.  That was neat.

All in all, a good race, and I was really tired this afternoon.  Probably didn't give it ALL I had, but gave a lot and finished strong.  I truly like women only races because there is a very different energy out there.  Very positive.

So these are my final results:

Overall Rank

Class Rank


Swim Rank



Bike Rank




Run Rank



787 of 3709

121 of 443












I was happy with the swim time and mostly happy with the bike.  Just wished I hadn't wasted time 
going back on the run.  Would've been at least 2 minutes faster.  Oh well, live and learn.  Not sure
if I'll do this one again next year, but if I can afford to, I'd like to.

Thanks for reading!


Cassie W.
on 8/16/09 8:06 pm
Congratulations Linn!  Being in the top quarter of finishers is pretty impressive with such a big race.   Did you wear a wetsuit during the swim portion?  I had a tough time getting my face in the water and figure I need to spend considerably more time in open water than the pool.  Glad to hear you made it to the end without needing any emergency pitstops.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 8/17/09 12:30 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Cassie!

I have a shorty farmer john that I wore.  Water temp was 70 and I could've done without it, but I really can't stand to be cold.  I also need to spend more time on open water if I'm going to do this race again, but it was a pretty fun race for being so big.

Rob S.
on 8/16/09 9:19 pm - DE
Great job, Linn.  You really are up there among the finishers.  Thanks for sharing.
on 8/16/09 11:50 pm - Cumming, GA
great race report!  way to rock the bike!
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 8/16/09 11:57 pm
Congrats on your success.
I hope it only keeps getting better and better for you.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/17/09 12:46 am - Port Huron, MI
 Great report!!!
Couple quick brags about Sheila Taormina:  She graduated one year before I got to my high school.  My sister-in-law's sister was her lab partner in their science class.  
A couple years ago she came and gave a graduation speech at my high school (guess public speaking is one of her 'jobs').  She was absolutely incredible, I'd say in the top 5 graduation speeches I've heard, and I've been to well over 30 graduation ceremonies!
Glad you had a great race, don't worry about the OWS ladies.  The more you do it the easier it gets.  I much prefer OWS now, but I try to get at least 1/week.  
Darrell H.
on 8/17/09 11:11 am - Sinton, TX
Awesome job Linn. Congratulations. Keep up the great work!!!
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 8/17/09 11:57 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Great job Linn.  Enjoyed reading your report.  It's fun to be out on a course with so many people isn't it?  :)
on 8/17/09 1:45 pm - Barboursville, WV

Great post. Sounds like you did amazing to me. Great job. 5000 people, I can't imagine.The largest one I have done was the half last year, with it and the full together there is about a 1000.

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