Just some input from you guys ...

Karen O.
on 8/14/09 9:55 am, edited 8/14/09 9:56 am - Erie, PA
I was just wondering .... my son (9) is starting cross country, so we just started today "training" for it.  I do not run, or jog, I never have.  So we started out jogging 2 1/2 blocks (in the city, so average size blocks) & walking for 1 block, then repeating for about 1 to 1.5 miles.  Is this okay?  Or should we jog right through and not walk inbetween?  My son LOVED it & I did too!  But I want to do this as my nightly workout (I will also do an hour in the gym 5 times a week ... cardio & weights) ... does it sound like a good work out for both me and my 9 year old ... this is just the beginning of the "training" & I hope to jog all the way through the mile and 1/2 in a month or so.  Am I going about the start of this the right way?  Any pointers on jogging would be much appreciated, so I can pass the "right" way to do this cross country thing to my son!  
                                                       K a r e n
                    Lap RNY Gastric Bypass JANUARY 26, 2009

Linn D.
on 8/14/09 10:59 am - Missoula, MT
I don't know about how things work where you are, but I would try to cut out the walk breaks for your son as soon as possible.  Talk to the coach and see what sorts of workouts they'd be doing.  Chances are that they'll be doing some longer distances as well as some shorter faster track workouts.  Find out what they want them to be able to do when they start practices so your son isn't behind.  Cross country can be pretty competitive even for the younger ones.  

on 8/14/09 12:46 pm - Northern, CA
Running for a bit and then walking is a good strategy, but I agree that blocks is too short a time. You want something like 1 min. on and 1 min. off at first.

I used the Couch-to-5K program as it had a set plan and that took all the guesswork out of it.

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on 8/14/09 10:18 pm - Fort Worth, TX
From what I know about Cross Country at the High School level, they typically only run between 5k-10k races (3.1 miles and 6.2 miles respectively) Get him running the 5k distance and then work on speed. Progress slow and steady, he is only 9, make sure he enjoys running and that he doesn't leave the sport because it is not fun for him anymore. Best of luck to both of you...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 8/15/09 1:15 am - Port Huron, MI
 Sounds like you're on the right track.  At the high school level I only know of 5k's, but I haven't gotten to involved in our local team yet.  One of the elementary schools in my district trains and gets the kids to do a 5k and I'm always impressed that they complete it with such a big smile on their face.  I've run the race the last two years with a teacher from that building and our goal is to not let any of the 'short' people pass us!!!  We can 'smoke' the 1-3 graders and most of the 4-5 graders.  Some of those little kids are just fast though!!!!!!
The key is to have fun and keep your son enjoying it.  You won't do anything wrong, it's not like swimming where technique is key.  
on 8/15/09 2:50 am - portland, OR
For yourself, I would recommend first and foremost getting a good pair of shoes! Very important. Most athletic shoe shops can analyze how you run and be able to tell you what kind of shoe you might need.

Running is AWESOME!! It is such a high, and a feeling of accomplishment. I did the beginners' running program that is posted on Running Planet online. It helps a non-runner start slowly but surely on the road to being able to jog for 2 miles without stopping, over an 8 week period, and what I did was print out the program and check off every day as I did it.

There are two rest days in each week, so your body has time to adapt and heal. I went a little faster than the 8 weeks, but didn't suffer too much, so I think it's a good overall program. I also do the series of 12 stretches you can find on Cool Running online, and they totally help with any residual soreness and with injury prevention! 

I always HATED running when I was younger, but then as I got smaller and smaller, I felt more energy and I wanted to try running just to see if I could do it! My mom was my inspiration--she ran a marathon when she was 44! Now I do about 4.5-5 mile runs, 4 or 5 days a week. Sometimes I throw the elliptical in there to baby my knees. I have heard that you should try not to run on concrete more than once or twice a week, because of the impact stress, so I try to go on the shoulder with the gravel and dirt and such!!

Best of luck with your running, Karen! I wish I could get my boys to run with me!!
Karen O.
on 8/15/09 3:50 am - Erie, PA
Thanks so much for all the tips guys!  My son in really excited about this!  .... as am I!
                                                       K a r e n
                    Lap RNY Gastric Bypass JANUARY 26, 2009

on 8/16/09 3:39 am

Check out Jeff Galloways method. Uses walking. running and cross training to build up running abilities.


(deactivated member)
on 8/19/09 9:50 pm - Grand Rapids, MI

All good suggestions so far. Walking and running is how I got started "just" running. Often if I'm doing too much (like two halves on the same weekend) I'll run two walk a half or whole mile, etc. Sometimes I'll force myself to walk more than I "want" when I know I'm tired specifically so my recovery isn't as messed up if I ran the whole thing. At my age injury, heat stroke, etc. isn't just discouraging it's down right debilitating.


As far as you training with him and his surpassing your abilities or his increasing/working speed I train with my son and he’ll ride his bike with me running behind. He gets a light ride in and I struggle to keep up yet we’re both spending time together, being active. Doesn’t get any better than that.

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