Help with getting going....

on 8/9/09 2:46 pm - gallup, NM
Hi all, I'm wanting to get on the band wagon again.  School is about to start around here, and I want to start exercising before I go to work.  But I'm gonna need a buddy or something to urge me to get my booty out of bed to go exercise before work....LOL  Any ideas?
on 8/10/09 1:45 am
Getting out of bed is the hardest part of my pre-workout routine.

1.  I lay out my work clothes or pack them in my gym bag the night before.
2.  Get any hydration or nutrition ready the night before.  Pack fuel belt and water bottles.
2.  I will sleep in sweats or shorts and running shirt.
3.  Get out of bed as soon as the alarm beeps, no hitting the snooze.
4.  Put on shoes grab packed bag and head to the gym or out the door for my run.
Generally on the days I have to hit the gym before work, I have already been awake 3.5-4 hours before the workday starts.  But if I don't do that, then my time is very limited and I have to sacrafice family time to workout.
5.  Shower and get cleaned up at the gym.

The nice thing about being there when they open the doors, is that there are only 3 or 4 other people there at 5 a.m.  By the time I leave the place is 1/2 full.  I never have to wait for equipment or alter my routine by being there in the early hourse.  I have had to do that a couple times during evening or afternoon workouts.

Good luck!


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/10/09 3:13 am - San Diego, CA
I do it in the morning but that's not always the best solution for everyone.  Many of my friends, including my daughter do it on their lunch hour at work.  If I am very tired in the morning, I do it after work.  The experts say exercise is best after you've been up and about for a few hours.  First thing in the morning is rather shocking to the body - I am awakened by my alarm clock at 6:30 and I am at the gym by 7, running on a tread mill at 7:05 - just 35 minutes from when I was in deep sleep - it's rough but I'm very used to it now and I JUST DO IT. . . . . 

On motivation, I have never had any luck finding any exercise buddies who were consistent.  So I am very self-motivating and do it by myself.  Ultimately, the motivation has to come from within.

Good luck.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 8/10/09 6:57 am - portland, OR
Good for you! I know some people can zoom out the door as soon as they wake, but I ain't one of 'em! I need, need, NEED to have my coffee first. I need to wake up when the house is nice and quiet, and have my coffee at a relaxed pace. I do get dressed in my workout clothes and shoes before I come downstairs, though!

After coffee, I do my 12 stretches (takes 5-6 min. at 30 sec. per stretch), then put my Zune in my armband, choose my rockin' playlist, grab my 12 oz. bottle of water and away I go! Running in the early morning is great because it is SO much cooler, and there are fewer people.
Mapmyrun dot com has a great little feature where you can map your route to find out your mileage. I always do that beforehand, so I not only know where I'm going to go, but what distance I can write in my datebook. I love those little kudos moments--and I like adding up my miles at the end of the week! It's awesome.

Once you notice how much more toned you look, how much better you feel, subtle things like your jeans fitting better or similar--that will be your motivation to get out of bed! Get plenty of sleep and you won't be as tempted to hit the snooze button, either! Finding a fitness buddy could be as easy as asking one of your neighbors or co-workers, or it could be tough to find a kindred spirit. Best of luck!
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