How Did You Do On Your Goals???

on 8/9/09 12:04 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Guys,

     On Friday I posted up to see what our excercise goals were for the weekend. I had a HUGE workout planned for Saturday which was a 3000M swim, 100 Mile Ride, and Half Marathon run.
Well... Things did not work out that well...

     I have been DJ'ing at the club every night since Wednesday... Go in at 10pm get home at 3pm then get up for work at 7:30am and repeat... I am so tired and I was trying to accomplish this workout on 3.5 hours of sleep, so here's how it went...

    I got in 2000M swim in a VERY good time 33:14, I had to cut it short because I knew I was running a little late and wanted to focus on my ride more than aything. So, really happy with my swim, and I swam 4000M open water the day before so I am solid in the water. NOW, to the ride... BLAH... THAT BRUTAL RIDE!!!! So, I head out for my century feeling pretty good. I headed 10 miles north and was with the wind, which was GREAT!!! However, I turned around at mile 10 to be slapped in the face with 18-20MPH and 105 degree heat!!!! The next 55 miles were due south dead into this wind and it was soooo challenging, but I felt good for a while. I went through 3 bottles, 2 refills on my Camelbak, and stopped for 2 32oz Gatorade Focus along the way. I finally hit the lake which was at about mile 62 and I decided to wear my tri clothing for the ride to see how the little pad would work for me on a very long ride, which it was just fine. I was covered like a Frosted Flake with my own salty sweat and decided to shed my Camelbak, helmet, and shoes and jump in the lake for a cooldown and a short swim to losen up... It was great! As I got back on my bike, I started feeling like CRAP. I thought I needed to eat. I found a convenience store, bought a Cliff brownie bar, 2 granola bars and some almonds, pounded all that and felt good again. My gels, Endurolytes, Cliff Shot drink, and gatorade were working pretty good. So I start riding again, and I will be damned if while I was eating and getting ready to ride home, the wind shifted and was at my face THE WHOLE WAY HOME!!! Can we collectively say "This SUCKS?" Now I understand why Kona can be so demoralizing. About 45 minutes later I feel like I am going to faint, I start seeing spots and things were looking grim... I stopped, sat down, chugged a gallon, literally a gallon of water and 4 endurolytes, and sat for about 30-45 minutes. When I felt my hydration coming back and I started sweating again, I hopped back on my bike again and started to jam home. I was feeling good again, sweating and actually feeling like I had to pee! I made it home much later than expected, with enough time to eat shower and get ready to go to DJ at the club, so needless to say I did not run, and even if I had the time, I doubt I would have done very well.

     All-in-all I am happy with my excercise although I fell short of my goals, but when the tank is empty, it's empty, and there is no way I am going to dig myself into a hole this close to Ironman.  I finished my century in 5:24:01 (excluding my 30-45 minute stop) and with the wind in my face THE WHOLE ride, I could'nt be happier. I surmised that I drank 4-5 gallons of fluids and that was nowhere near enough. My nutrition was solid, my hydration, not so much. I will focus on drinking every 3-4 minutes and I will be fine. NExt weekend I have 125 miles and half marathon brick, and I am going to DESTROY that workout as redemption for the debockle this weekend. 1 year ago I cannot imagine being disapointed with a 1.2 mile swim and 100 mile ride and feeling like I came up short. It's important for all of us to remember where we came from and where we are now, and not be too hard on ourselves... Take care everyone.... (I did run 3 miles on the treadmill today at an easy 6.2 mph pace) as a recovery run...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 8/9/09 1:32 pm - Northern, CA
I was supposed to do a bike-run-bike but sit out the run with my club. The coach told me that I should just do the first bike and then go home since I had a race. So I did. I only skipped about 4 extra miles, but they were very hilly.

Then I did my tri today and an amazing thing happened... they posted the results and I was FIRST IN MY AGE GROUP! I said "No way" (out loud too) and then looked at the times and mine was wrong and everyone looking at the paper was *****ing that they were wrong.

I figured that the time listed was just for Swim, T1, Bike, T2 because my time was short right about the time I was pretty sure I took for my run. I knew that even though I'd had my best run yet that there was no way it was good enough to keep me in first place. So I decided to enjoy being "first" as long as it lasted. Which was about another hour....

I ended up 9/11, which was a bit disappointing given how good my race was, but not really unexpected. It's kind of funny that my 8th place swim and 9th place bike had me in first though. I guess my age group was full of swimmers who couldn't bike and bikers who couldn't swim. Plus, I had very fast transitions and I'm sure that helped.

Anyway, I'm still pretty happy overall. But now that I've tasted it, I want to finish FOP *for reals*!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 8/10/09 1:38 am
Did you at least get to look at that first place finishers gear for a couple minutes?
It still sounds like you had a good day.  Congrats!

I got my 6 mile run in on Sunday, but I had planned to get another swim in on Saturday.  That just didn't happen.  I spend the day repairing the drywall where my fish tank leaked.  I managed to get it all patched, and I'm surprised how good it looks.  Tonight is primer and texture night, followed by painting tomorrow.  Hopefully the rest of the job goes as smoothly as the first part did.

I have a 9 mile run scheduled this week. OMG who would have thought that was possible.  A little over a year ago, I wouldn't have even attempted to run any distance.  Walking would have been the best I could do, and I would have avoided that at any cost.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/10/09 2:17 am - Northern, CA
I ran around telling everyone I knew that I was in first place! (But also that I didn't expect it to last.)

It was so much fun!

I hear you on the 9 mile run. I ran the 5k at a 10 min pace and back in Jan I thought it would be impossible to run any faster than that but now I know I can.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 8/10/09 1:25 am - San Diego, CA
Super workouts on 3.5 hours of sleep?  That's brutal.  I'm sure it would have gone much better on maybe twice as much sleep.

Congratulations on your spectacular success on all fronts - weight and fitness.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
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