How often and how long?

on 7/28/09 8:50 pm, edited 7/28/09 9:04 pm - Bloomington, IN
Hey all, I was just wondering how often you guys work out/exercise and how long you go when you do it?  I feel like I should be doing something seven days a week but that's just not always possible with my schedule and I don't want to overtrain.  When I do exercise it's usually for a minimum of one hour and up to two and a half hours at a time.  I like the days when I can do cardio. in the morning and evening.  Also, do you guys use a heart rate monitor when you exercise?  I use mine most of the time.  I especially like to use it when I'm lifting weights because it ensures I keep my heart rate up when I'm doing weights.  When doing cardio. I can usually tell when I'm in the zone but I still like to use it then too.

After I posted this topic I was reading through some of the "Workout Days".  Reading that really helped me get an idea of what some of you guys do for training.  Some very impressive stuff to be found in there!
                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 7/28/09 10:50 pm - MI

I think you will find that the exercise fluctuates quite a bit between those on this website.

Here is what my typical week looks like:

Run: I usually get in a couple 3-4 mile runs a week, followed up with one long run a week.

Bike: I get in a couple easy short to moderate bike rides a week followed up with one long bike ride a week of some place between 40- 60 miles. When the weather is bad, or I'm working on a specific drill I will do the workout on my indoor trainer.

Swim: I hate to admit it, but I only get one OWS a week. I know I should be getting in more swim time, but I just cant seem to find time to get to a gym.

Somedays I will do a lunch time workout with weights or eliptical at work.

I usually try and get at least one full day of rest a week. I find my willingness decreases the week after a hard workout as a result I've tried for a consistent training approach.

Heart rate monitor: For the past eight weeks or so I've been using a heart rate monitor for my bike and run workouts. I agree I can feel the change in my body when I reach zone 3.

In closing rest is a must for sustained training and to help avoid training related injuries.

Just my two cents worth.

on 7/28/09 11:40 pm
Right now most of my stuff is both time and activity based.
I have one run of a set distance, where my weekly goal is to improve my time.  So the quicker I run it, the sooner I am done.  Another run that is increasing in distance every week.  And I have a third run that is inbetween those two.
I have a couple bike rides one is long distance and the other is shorter, but higher intensity.  Both of those are immediately followed by some short running.
There is also a day of swimming and two days of weight training.
And somwhere during the week is a day for rest and recovery.

So some days I end up having 2 workouts due to my work.  I will get one workout done in the morning before work, and the second part of it done at night after I get my kids to bed.  For me it is usually weights in the morning and then I will do whichever other exercise or training is on my schedule that night.

So for me my workout time can range from 35 minutes on a run day,  to 2+ hours on the long bike ride days.

I do use a H.R. monitor when I'm running or biking.  I have not used it when lifting.  I hadn't thought about using it as a tool when weight lifting, thanks for the idea, I'll mention it to my coach and see what he has to say.  I could almost not use it during my cardio, I seem to always be just short of my max when running.  It's always in that OMG i'm going to die range, at least that's the perceived exertion level.  Even when it's comfortable and I'm not huffing and puffing, I can look down at the watch and sure enough it's in that range.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Linn D.
on 7/28/09 11:58 pm - Missoula, MT
I'm not training for anything big right now, just sprint tris, but I generally have 6 workouts/week varying from 30 min to 1.5 hours and at least one brick.

Many of my runs are short, but I'm working on speed right now.  I do 3 short runs and one longer run, which I'm working to increase to 10 miles.  I'd like to get a 25 mile base back.  I also do 2-3 spin classes a week and swim at least once (now that I'm back in training mode).  No long bike rides yet, but they'll be coming eventually.

I'm a full time student in a difficult program, so study time has taken precedence over working out at times.  It's taken me 2 months to regain the fitness I had in April.

on 7/29/09 12:07 am - Cumming, GA
I work out 5 days a week, the workouts vary from an hour and a half to 3 hours, average is around 2 hrs and 15 minutes or so.  I do weights 4 days a week, run outside twice a week, swim in the pool typically 2 to 3 times a week (but i'm off that frequency this week and last), and one long bike ride on the weekend....
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 7/29/09 1:15 am - Port Huron, MI
Time spent exercising for a lot of us a very fluid thing.  Depending on where we are in our plans and the events coming up we may be in a base building phase or a recovery phase.  
This week I'm in a taper mode and doing less than 60 minutes sessions and today will probably be the last light run I do before my triathlon on Saturday.  Next week will be some recovery sessions.  The other Dan is in his big volume week preparing for his ironman so his seasons will be absolutely HUGE this week (he'll probably do 20+ hours of training)
In general I do 5-6 days a week.  My goal is always 7 but something tends to get in the way (life is like that).  I try to run 3-4 days a week, bike 2-3, and swim 3.  Time spent in all of these sessions depends on what I'm doing: speedwork/tempo work for the swim/run tend to be 1 hour or less.  If I'm going on a long run it'll be 2 hours + (hey I'm slow) and the bike will be 3 hours +.
When I started out my goal was to run 3-5 days a week and do it 20-50 minutes.
Don't know if this is the type of thing you're looking for?  When I started out my goal was to run 3-5 days a week and do it 30-50 minutes.
on 7/29/09 10:33 am - Bloomington, IN
 Thanks to all who gave feedback.  I really appreciate your input.  I set one of my post-op goals as completing a half-triathalon and I intend to do my best to complete it.  It is a little bit overwhelming to think about starting training for something that hard.  With your help it will make it a lot less stressful for me.  You guys rock!
                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 7/29/09 11:30 pm - TX

One of my goals was also a half-marathon which I completed in April.  I used Hal Higdon's workout stuff.  You can just google him to find it.  It worked out great for me. 

Good luck!!!  Keep us informed.

on 7/30/09 1:38 am - Bloomington, IN
 Darrell, thanks for the info.  I'll check it out.
                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 7/30/09 4:31 am
If you haven't seen them before here are some other good reference sections for running and triathlon specific sites.  This is a short list, there are tons out there.  You can also check out some of the podcast sites etc.
Beginner triathlete

Cool Runnings c25k program

Effort based treadmill chart

Conversion Calculators

Tri Newbies

Total Triathlon

The Age Grouper

Triathlon TV


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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