Friday Workout & plans for the weekend

on 7/24/09 12:49 am
Not a lot of time this evening, so I had to get in my workout this morning at the gym.  I hate the treadmill, because it never feels like it does on the road  I have been trying to avoid the treadmill because it gives me a false sense of accomplishment.  For me it is much more difficult to run the same distance on the street as it is on the treadmill.  Anyhow.

4 miles on the treadmill and then 45 minutes of weights this morning.
Feeling good but tired.  I didn't want to drag my butt out of bed this morning.  The alarm actually woke me up and thats not the norm.  I consistantly wake up 5-10 minutes before the alarm, so I must be needing the sleep.

How is everyone elses day shaping up?
My bike is going back into the shop again today, it's back to not shifting into the large chain ring again.  At least the mechanic isn't charging me for the continued work, it's all been under the initial charges.  I have a 60 mile ride scheduled for Saturday morning if we can get the bike working correctly.  He thinks that maybe the adjustment screw on the derailleur is vibrating loose on the bumpy roads.  He didn't want to put lock-tite on it because it should be adjustable, but at this point he is willing to give that a try.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Darrell H.
on 7/24/09 2:32 am - Sinton, TX
OK I had a pretty intensive workout today. Almost did my tri. I usually break up all my workouts unless I am doing a brick, but I did all 3 events this morning.

I started off with a 500 meter swim at 5am. I wanted to take it easy at a slow pace and finished right at 14 minutes. Then I drove home and had a good breakfast of oatmeal and english muffin with peanut butter. Then I rested about an hour and went for a brick. Did 15.1 miles at an avg of 15.3 mph then did a 2 mile brick at a very slow 11:13 pace. Wasnt feeling great today, but I finished it. I have Jacks Generic next Sunday but this weekend is all about me.

Going to my 20th high school reunion. I am so excited. I am thinner than when I was a Freshman. I just have to try and not party too hard tonight and Saturday.

Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
Linn D.
on 7/24/09 6:24 am - Missoula, MT
I was a very good girl today and got in the pool.  1200 yd swim.  Slow (32 min), but the longest swim I think I've ever done.  I guess I'll be okay for the next tri in 4 weeks...

Nothing else for me today besides mowing the lawn.  Going to try to run for 75-90 minutes tomorrow.  Haven't done that many in a while.  The iPod has been fabulous for running with though.  I love the music so much I get involved with IT instead of how tired I'm feeling.

on 7/24/09 7:16 am - MA
I did a 1000 yard swim this am and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical. My plan was to get out on the demo bike today,  but work is crazy today and will probably drag into the weekend :-(

My first sprint Tri is on Sunday and I'm a bit nervous but really looking forward to it.
highest/surgery day/current/ goal

on 7/24/09 11:29 am
Good luck and have fun!  My first sprint tri is next Sunday.

46 yr old female; 5'6"; 11/13/08 VSG Dr. Jossart LapSF, SF, CA
SW 213, GW 150, CW 140, dream GW 130 and/or 20% body fat or less
12/22/09 mini face lift; Dr. Hove, Monarch Med Spa, KoP, PA
01/09/10 Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico
U & L eye lid lifts, mini tt w/o muscle tightening, Brazilian buttock lift by fat grafting, Benelli BL & BA

on 7/24/09 7:18 am - Fort Worth, TX
4000Meter straight swim for  time..... 1:12:07       I am planning to ride The Goatneck 70 mile cycle race tomorrow and will brick for 1 hour after the race...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 7/24/09 11:31 am
Did 1 hour swim clinic, drills.  Ran 5K in 36 minute - BION that's really good for me.

Tomorrow open water swim practice immediately followed by a bike ride.

46 yr old female; 5'6"; 11/13/08 VSG Dr. Jossart LapSF, SF, CA
SW 213, GW 150, CW 140, dream GW 130 and/or 20% body fat or less
12/22/09 mini face lift; Dr. Hove, Monarch Med Spa, KoP, PA
01/09/10 Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico
U & L eye lid lifts, mini tt w/o muscle tightening, Brazilian buttock lift by fat grafting, Benelli BL & BA

on 7/24/09 1:37 pm - Port Huron, MI
 61 miles in 3:20.  56 miles in just under 3 hours.  Got really zapped towards the end.
For those doing your first race this weekend good luck and have fun!!!!
on 7/25/09 12:49 am
I walked a mile yesterday in about 45 minutes.  Yes, you read that correctly!  Certainly not my personal best but just out of surgery last week and that's my current pace!  Woo!

I am hopeful that I can get back to a real running workout within the month and participate with a decent time in a 5k at the end of September, roughly 9 weeks from now.

I plan to do 2 1-mile walks today... if you see someone doing the slow curly shuffle while you're out and about... that could be me!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
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