1st Century Ride In The Books!!!!

on 7/18/09 5:25 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Guys,

    Whew..... What a ride today! I am pretty tired, but not as tired as I thought I would be after riding 100 miles! I set out at 6:30am, it stayed relatively cool for the first half of the ride, below 80 degrees. The sun was shining, it was SOOOOO gorgeous out this morning. I chose a route that had some very challenging hills,  and there were 10-12 MPH winds for the whole ride. My goal was to try to keep my pace above 18mph for the entire ride. I am posting my results below, but it was so cool to complete this ride. 100 miles is a LOOOOOONG way! I have another century next Saturday followed by an Olympic Tri on Sunday, the following saturday I have 125 mile ride with a half marathon "Brick". I will get used to the long ride by the time Louiseville IM comes around in August! I can't wait. Below are my stats for the ride this morning. I am VERY happy with my ride today and can't wait to improve upon it. Have a great weekend ya'll...
Gender: Age:
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Activity: (?)
Time Taken: : : (5:25:27)
# Laps:    

Calculated Workout Stats

Lap Dist: 100.38miles Total Dist: 100.38miles
Avg. Speed: 18.5mi/hr Calories: 5649(?)
Avg. Pace: 03:12min/mi Your BMI: 27(?)
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 7/18/09 6:37 am - Dacula, GA
Smart choice for hill training for louisville. Last year the run was HOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Ok. So. You know I always ask a bunch of ? with my IM training buddies. Don't want you to go out there and go BONKERS (as in hit the wall!)


1. what was your average HR on the ride and which training zone does that fall into for you?
2. Nutrition. How did it go?
3. Hydration. Home many times did you have to pee?
on 7/18/09 7:14 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Sherry,

   I do not ride with a HR monitor! I go by RPE and I was at about 4-5 the whole ride with some 7-8 efforts on hills. I ate 3 Cliff Cholcolate Brownies, tons of Sports Beans,  5 gels, refilled my 1 Gallon Camelback 3 times plus I chugged a big bottle of Fiji Water at a stop and also a 32 ounce of Gatorade Focus. So I have about 3.5 gallons of fluid. The only thing that sucked is that I ran out of Thermolyte Salt Tabs and was VERY concerned about my ride. I got creative with the table salt and Sodium Chloride, but if anything, that would be the only kink in the nutrition chain today.... I felt awesome the whole ride! No peeing on bike, I know I was STILL dehydrated after drinking a lot and I sweat like a prostitute at confession, but did pretty good. I was drinking gatorade endurance in my camelbak and Focus.

     I'm old school...HR monitors are great for info, but I do not live and die by what they tell me, I try to listen to my body and react accordingly. What's even funnier is that I have ran 2 marathons, 5 sprints, 2 HIMS, a 10k swim and all the training that goes along with it, and can count on 1 hand the times I have worn a HR monitor. When I run on the Dreadmill I will sometimes get my reading, but when I am running at my "Base" pace (Around 6.5ish mph) my HR is around 140-142 which is about where I percieve my average HR was today on my ride. Anyways, good questions and I hope you are feeling well. Gonna rub that belly in Augusta!!!! You still coming out? I hear it's going to be a pretty good challenging bike course!!! 
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 7/18/09 10:12 am - Dacula, GA
I'm going to play augusta by ear. My midwife doesn't want me to be more than 2 hours from home after 27 weeks. I'll be 26 weeks on Monday. For Auguta I'll be 36 weeks I think.

I have a place to stay if I go.

Right now all is good w/my pregnancy (except too much weight gain.) I'm training no where near my volume, so I ballooned.

Blood pressure good. I take my gestational diabetes test on Thursday.

Did you ever take a sweat rate test? You don't wanna head into a marathon dehydrated.
on 7/18/09 10:17 am - Fort Worth, TX
I did and deending on heat, I need 1200 - 1400MG of sodium p/ hr.... I am super salty!!! I am glad you are doin well, and really hope to meet ya in a couple months
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 7/19/09 12:31 am - Dacula, GA
How many pounds of sweat do you lose an hour?

I would lose 4 pounds, 9 ounces in 75 degree heat :(
on 7/19/09 1:44 am - Cumming, GA
nice ride!  i just posted my ride in another thread today (38.5 miles) and man it nearly killed me with the hills/mountain area i rode in around N. GA...
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 7/19/09 2:07 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Great workout.  I was even more pleased to see you are 18 yrs younger than me.
Go get'em while you can. 
It is inspiring to read about what we can do if we will only get out there and see whats in he tank.  Incredible stuff!
Thanks for the posts.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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