Missing A Few Friends

on 7/13/09 3:07 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Any body hear from Rob, Cassie, Scott W. or AJP lately?

I've been out of the loop for a while with my hip keeping me off the road (Nov 08 to May 09), but I'm not seeing them post over the last week or so.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 7/13/09 6:05 am - Port Huron, MI
 Rob, Cassie, and AJP still post on here, Cassie more than Rob or AJ and I'm sure they'll post something here -- but here's a recent thread by AJ from his Ironman Ceour d'Alene race:
Cassie W.
on 7/13/09 8:49 pm
Hi Joe!  Welcome back!  That was a long haul to find a doc that could get you back on the road.  Did you have to have surgery on the hip?

My IT band has been behaving.  I finished my 4th marathon in May and have been training for my first sprint triathlon, which will be July 25th in Syracuse.   I also had the pleasure of training a small group of people over the last 6 months to prepare them to run a 15K.   Sunday's race completed the brainwashing, so  they're going to stick with me to train for a half marathon in September.

After an injury, I think the progress to rebuild is faster than when we first got started on this road to fitness.  But, just be careful not to rush things.  I'm much better listening to my body, now, and know when I need to take it easy or take a rest day all together.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 7/14/09 1:05 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Yes I had a lap scope done; 3 small incisions; outpatient; removed a bone spur that was damaging soft tissue and scraping the hip ball bone at points, some loose cartilidge reattached and a harden arthritic spot they shaved .5 mm off in an effort to get the blood flowing again in the cartilidge. No guarantess but it felt better upon recover.  Range of motion is back and although I have a tweak of pain here and there like a tender spot, I have restarted jogging and working my way back to where I was and hopefully get that half M done, cause I'm kinda half thinking I want to do a marthon one day, maybe. Just so I can say I did that.

Glad to see you are still rockin and inspiring others.  Thanks for chiming in and letting me see your smiling face again!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Scott William
on 7/13/09 11:45 pm
Hey Joe.  I am still here and would still consider myself a regular.  I don't post as much as I used to because the "runners" don't post as much and it has become more tri focused which does not really interest me that much.  I will start the daily workout thread occationally and of course help out where I feel I can.

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to finish a rock wall that I have been working on since 06.  I have been doing it in different phases and I just finished phase four.  Besides that my computer is slow and whenever I get on it, I want to throw it through the window.  That is mostly what keeps me away.  If I could get on and post in 5 minutes, I would check it twice a day.

How have you been?

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 7/14/09 1:24 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Yeah I see you have inspired a whole new wave of folks that have taken it to the next level.
Swimming and biking and running and bricks, and camel backs and Oh wow.  My budget is stretched to keep good shoes. 

Good luck on the rock wall,...glad I'm too far away to volunteer to help!!!

I've got a bathroom rennovation looking me in the face.  I just spent last wekend replacing the tub drain and associated trap and waste pipes.  Changing from lead to PVC and got it all up there only to learn I used the wrong cement and no primer and it leaked so it all had to come down and do it over.  I started at 5 p.m Saturday, stayed up till 4 a.m., back at it at 8#0 a.m. Sunday and finished at 2;20, cement and joint drying - tested at 4 p.m. , cleanup and moved on to step fathers 60th B-day party at 5 p.m.  Man did I have a great time.

If you are running Windows XP I might can help speed up your PC.  I do that stuff as freebies on the side for friends and family.  With three daughters 23-15 yrs old, I get to do a lot of fixing, and cleanup before it locks up completely.

Shoot me an email if you're interested and maybe we can hook up by phone or something and I can walk you through the process(es). ([email protected])

Running wise, I had to have a hip scope to fix some old age stuff, but i am back out there as of Memorial Day weekend and back up to 4 miles on my long walk jog.  It is definitely starting over but at least I have a better idea of what I'm doing and should be doing than the first time around.

I took off last Friday for a run and became concerned during my run about why one shoe felt mushier than the other.  I went farther before having to walk than so far to-date, so I felt good about that.  My youngest daughter asked me as soon as I got home, why I was wering 2 different shoes? New techique?  I looked down and sure enough, the two pairs of shoes I have been rotating in and out of my gym bag, running form home and gettin dressed at my computer desk area, I had put on one of each pair and never noticed.
Yep, new running technique, worry more about which course and how to get home and less about whether you are dressed properly.  I told her I was trying a taller shoe on the right foot to offset running on the curbsides to counter the angle of the ridge on the residential side streets,.....I think they call the technique dementia!!!
So they got a good Dad story for family gatherings now. 
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Scott William
on 7/15/09 12:34 am
Thanks for the offer on the computer.  My future father in law is comming to see what he can do.  When that fails, I will let you know.  :) 

You can have that bathroom renovation stuff.  I will take the rock walls anyday! 

Your shoe story is funny.  When I started, I went out and got the best clothes and even labeled my socks so that I would wear them on the correct foot.  Now they go into a big box and I just try to get two of the same type.  You, my friend, have taken it to a new level.  Just make sure that there is a right and a left!

Have a good one.


Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 7/15/09 2:02 am - Colonial Heights, VA
My PC is a simply clean out of Temp  folders and cookies but more thorogh than the Windows cleanup tool does.

Try this before you get your PC overkilled with unecessary changes and protection software.

Right click on Start, Explore, Local Disk (C:)  (or whatever your C; hardrive is named)

Right click on the C: drive and select Properties
  1. From the Properties window, select the Tools tab
  2. Under Error-checking, select Check Now
  3.  from the Check Disk Local Disk window, select the Automatically fix disk errors option
  4.  click Start
  5.  You should get a message that it cannot run but will run on the next time the system is rebooted/restarted.  That is a good thing, click OK.

Left click to open the Document & Settings folder

Repeat the following guidance for each user folder listed (Administartor , Guest, Default User, specific users by Login name, etc)

  Open selected folder
   1.   left click Cookies folder, 
          a. click Edit (from menu bar at top)
          b. click Select All (all files on left panel are selected/highlightes)
          c. press Delete and press Enter or click Yes to confirm
          d. folder is empty
          e. NOTE: if it does not empty (hits a file it cannot delete, try deleting it individually)  files that cannot be deleted are the ones causing your problems (except index)

  2.  left click Local Settings
         a.   left click History folder and delete all contents (not the folder)
         b.   left click Temp folder and delete all contents (not the folder)
         c.   left click Temporary Internet folder and delete all contents (not the folder)
         d.  If it exists farther down under the selected user, left click the User Data folder.
         e.  Delete the User data folder

3.  Repeat for each user folder under Documents&Settings

4. Scroll down (in left pane) to the Recycle Bin
     a. Right click on Recycle Bin
     b. Select empty Recycle Bin

** files that cannot be deleted can be possible be deleted by:
1. using Task Manager to kill the appropriate running process to stop the process using the file attempting to be deleted.

 2.  rebooting to SafeMode (restart PC and the hardwar Bios/Cmos screen disappers but before the MS Windows logo appears, press F8.  When offered, select Safe Mode as the way to open Windows.  Safe Mode runs Windows with only the bare-bones files needed to operate so all other non-essential files and processes are not started, allowing those undeletable temporay files and cookies to be removed using the same Document&Setting guidance above for each user folder.  Reboot to normal operations upon completion.

3. Lastly, cleaning the registery with regedit, but I won't cover that as deleting the wrong thin can be catastrphic and we don't want to do that without close supervision of one comfortable messing aroound in the Windows Registry.

If you have had to reboot to this point, restart/reboot now so the Error Chcecking process can run.

Have a great day and this should clean all the user tracking adware garbage off your computer unless your registry and/or windows files are corrupted.

Also if you have more than one virus protection, pop-up blockes, spyware protection software running, they can and usually conflict with one another and can slow down and eventually lock your system.  Pick one and get rid of the rest.  Standard stuff I see alot is free Google, Yahoo, and AOL protection softwrae all loaded and running,...not good.


Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Rob S.
on 7/14/09 2:38 am - DE
Howdy, Joe...  Miss seeing your postings.  I don' t post as frequently anymore but I'm still plodding away every day.  Got tired of always posting the same boring routine.

Currently in training for a dualathon at Lums Pond in DE (3 mile run, 20 mile bike, 3 mile run), and a 10-mile run at Sea Isle City in NJ.  After that I start training again for my next marathon.  Since my running buddy couldn't make it to Niagara Falls for the November marathon (we'll do that one in 2010), we're going to do a smaller one in Rehoboth Beach, DE.

2010 is looking to be a busy year.   Muddy Buddy in Richmond,  two marathons probably, two halfs, assorted smaller run, and several bike centuries.  All of this assuming the old body holds up.

Hope your hips are doing better.  I know it's difficult to get shut down, just when you think you ar making progress.  Look forward to hearing more from you.

on 7/14/09 2:59 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Glad to hear the energizer bunny is still getting after it!
You are incredible.  So you added biking to your resume?
SO you're bi now; not tri?  Could go either way??  LOL!

Sorry,..Brrr-ahemmm,....I see that is dualathon. I was afraid with all of the tri traffic, you had moved on.  Thanks for chiming in and the update.  I'm having trouble consistently getting back out there  with the frustration of not having the speed and endurance I had.  Reading about your schedule, goals, and ongoing accomplishments helps motivate me to wanna do more and get going faster.

i have missed rubbing elbows with you guys.

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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