Friday's Workout!

Scott William
on 7/3/09 2:30 am
I had a really great workout this morning with a 4.25 mile run in 42 minutes.  I have begun elimination walk breaks just because.  My Garmin 205 face keeps falling off so I taped it on but even with that, it turns off a few times each run. 
on 7/3/09 2:40 am, edited 7/3/09 2:40 am - Fort Worth, TX
I had a 2000M Open Water Swim this morning at the lake... A beautiful morning, finished in 34:45, then came home and did 3 hours of yard work... Just got done, relaxing is on the menu for the rest of the day...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 7/3/09 3:36 am, edited 7/3/09 3:51 am - Port Huron, MI
 Ended up being a big day for me:  Did a 12 mile really easy ride followed by a pseudo-group ride of 38 miles.  It was all on my road bike, wi**** had been on my tri bike.  I say pseudo because almost every time I went for a pull I dropped them -- spat one guy off the back repeatedly (there were only three of us), I swear I wasn't trying too!!  If I wasn't pulling I was out of the draft zone and it was WINDY out there today!  Speed wasn't my concern today -- I just wanted to spin a high cadence which I averaged 86 so I pretty much succeeded.  
When I got home from I decided to brick it and did a 2 mile RUN, yeah brick-walker boy said he RAN the 2 miles -- after a 50 mile bike ride.  Considered just completing the 5k but I really didn't do proper nutrition for it.-S
Next tri is a week from tomorrow and am looking forward to it.  The bike course is flat and easy, I plan on bricking almost every ride from now to then -- I'm hoping to be able to hammer that course but we'll see.

on 7/3/09 9:48 am - Cumming, GA
did an easy day in the gym this morning with 56 minutes of weights (legs and core), then 43 minutes on the stairmaster (just shy of 200 flights @ 196)...  then my wife and i spent the day at 6 flags after we put the kids in daycare, which was actually open today.  we probably walked for 6 miles over the course of the day, it was a good one.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

Linn D.
on 7/3/09 12:01 pm, edited 7/3/09 12:01 pm - Missoula, MT
Didn't feel real good when I got up this morning, so I thought I'd see what would happen after work.  I ended up doing 6 miles (my goal for today).  I did repeats of a mile at 6.5 then a minute at 7.0 for 5 miles then the next half mile at 7.0 back down to 6.5 for a minute then increased speed to finish the 6  - somewhere around 55 minutes.  I was very happy to make my 6 after my first full week working on my feet in many years.

on 7/3/09 2:31 pm - Northern, CA
I got in my long run that I bailed on yesterday. Nine miles! I'm beat though.

After dinner, DD coaxed me into going to the pool, but it was pretty cold so I made her get out early. We may go again tomorrow if it's warmer.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Vicki PNW
on 7/4/09 1:46 am
Friday was a very hot day, so it was nice to exercise and work out in air-conditioned comfort.

1 hour Group Power class, a barbell exercise program.
15 minutes on dreadmill, inclining from 1.0 to 5.0 at 1-minute intervals until the 3-minute cool-down.
15 minutes on stationary bike.
10 minutes on elliptical trainer.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

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