Saturday Workouts!!

Linn D.
on 6/27/09 12:30 pm - Missoula, MT
How fun, Elisa!

I started out doing a run this morning at the gym, and once I was 45 minutes into it, I ended up volunteering to teach a spin class for an absent instructor.

So, kind of a backward brick.  Anyway, I think I went somewhere around 5 miles then 40 minutes spinning - without bike shoes or shorts.

on 6/27/09 12:47 pm - MA
This morning I ran 5 miles  at a good pace for me, I finished in 55 minutes. It was nice to finally see the sun here, it's been raining for most of June.
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on 6/27/09 3:32 pm - Port Huron, MI
 All these great runs today, WOW!!!!!
I ran an absolutely HORRIBLE 5k this morning.  Was stoked and thought I could do it right around 25 minutes --- hoping to break that mark.  Well, I absolutely blew on the run.  1st mile 8:03, next half mile I was struggling to maintain 8:30/miles then I lost it.  I had to walk -- managed to cross the line in 27:41 for 8:55 miles.
Knew I was in trouble when I started cramping on my warm-up run.
Lessons learned:  1) Don't do a 5k the week of triathlon 2) Don't put 50 miles in on the bike the day before a 5k, and most importantly and stupidly: 3) Eat before the 5k.  Though I'm pretty sure on point 3 it would've come out at the finish line.
Oh well, got to decide on doing my long run tomorrow or taking an unplanned rest day.  After this morning l've done something everyday for the last 8 days -- may be time to give the old body a rest.
on 6/27/09 9:41 pm - Dacula, GA
Take a magnesium supplement at night. It will help w/cramps.
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