Short Race Report

on 6/24/09 1:59 pm, edited 6/25/09 5:06 am - Port Huron, MI
 Well had my 3rd tri tonight.  It was another sprint, and I think after tonight I understand why all these races take place in the morning -- god it was HOT, HOT, HOT.  Now mind you in MI I don't think we've been in the 80's yet (maybe 81 or 82 1 day a month ago) and tonight it was probably about 86 and roasting!
The race seemed to go very well for me -- no official results so I'm not sure how accurate the following will be:
Overall I came in1:29:22, which I was excited for until I saw my run numbers on my Garmin :(
Course: 1/2 mile swim, 12.4 mile bike, 5K run
Swim: 18:06
Bike: 35:41 for a 20.2 average
Run: 33:02 for a 10:45/mile
T1: 1:27 (don't know how I did it that fast, I SAT down to put on my shoes, lol)
T2: 1:07
Run felt a lot better this time, I still let myself walk more than I wanted too, but I'll say it again it was brutally hot out there.  Bike is my strong leg, probably 4 people passed me the whole time.  Swim is getting so much better.

Now for the not so good stuff:
Got to figure out a better way to transport my bike.  Been taking off the wheels and laying it in the back of my SUV.  Seems like my rear deraileur keeps getting knocked around though.  Got there to late to do a quick ride and spent most of the race having random shifts:(
Along the same lines, when I was my wheels on I noticed I've got a nice pseudo gouge along the chain line in my frame!!!!  I don't think it's through the pain but I've got to now get it looked at (I'm hoping it's not bad or anything to really worry about), first carbon bike so maybe I'm just a little paranoid.  
Gonna call a place somewhat close (where I bought my wetsuit) and ask if they can look at it tomorrow and maybe show me how to adjust the brakes/deraileurs so when I change the wheels I can feel confident about what I'm doing.  Brakes weren't bad to adjust.
AND.....I ripped my damn wetsuit tonight.  Don't have a clue as to what I did wrong.  Was in the lake and decided I needed to pull it up a little in the crotch and the next thing i knew I had a 1/2 in rip in the suit.  Either gonna take the suit with me tomorrow or buy some wetsuit cement.  
Good race -- everything else, not so much.
(edited for official times)
on 6/24/09 10:00 pm - MI
You did a Tri last night? It was brutal hot outside yesterday and even in the evening. Great job...

What kind of SUV do you have? I have a Honda Ridgeline, and I can lift up the back seats and put my bike into the back seat without having to remove any wheels. Maybe its time to invest in a bike rack for the back of the SUV.

I am watching what looks like the beginning of a tear in my wetsuit (on the right arm). First couple Tri's this year I seemed to fidget alot and continuously pulling trying to get everything adjusted "Just Right". Hoping I can get through this year with the wetsuit I have, and then next year get a new one.

Did you by chance notice the news about a new Ironman race at Cedar Point starting September 2010? Sounds very interesting?

on 6/25/09 1:06 am
The thing to think about when using one of the rear mount bike racks, is that you just turned your very expensive bike into a rear bumper.

I would recommend a roof rack or to continue putting the bike inside the vehicle.
Just make sure you aren't laying it down on the deraileur side of the bike.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/25/09 1:46 am - Dacula, GA
Are there any dive shops near you? They fix wetsuits. You have a tear...I've done minor repairs like small nail digs.

At IMLP a wetsuit stripper TORE my wetsuit. DeSoto fixed it for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


If you're going to do a repair, ask the tri shop folks first how to do it. I would glue first and then cement, but I'm no expert.'
on 6/25/09 4:47 am
If you are brave

  1. Step 1

    Large rips, or rips along seams, need to be sewn closed. Use strong thread or dental floss and a heavy sewing needle. Hold the two sides of the rip together and use a spiraling stitch to sew them together.

  2. Step 2

    Coat both sides of the newly sewn rip with neoprene cement to make i****ertight. Neoprene cement can be purchased at surf and dive shops.

  3. Step 3

    Small cuts and rips can be sealed using only neoprene cement. Hold the rip together and coat with cement. Apply to both sides. Let dry for 10 minutes and apply a second coat.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/25/09 5:03 am - Port Huron, MI
 Got my bike adjusted today at my LBS (not where I bought it though) and it was a quick adjustment for the deraileur which is all I thought it'd be.  He also showed me how to adjust it on my own so when I switch from the training wheels and race wheels I can take care of it myself.  Very appreciative there.
Got wetsuit cement from the local dive shop and gonna try it later tonight.  Nineteen has a nifty little tutorial and from you what you wrote Scott I think I can do it.  It's not a huge tear.
I did forget to mention in the race report.  The bike mount area was unique -- it was about 75 yards away from the cement pathway.  So we mount our bikes in the grass and there was a short little hill about 20 feet from the mount line.  Shouldn't be a big deal but the guy in front of me was having a hard time clipping in and I THOUGHT I my left foot was unclipped.  So when he cut in front of me and I went to put my foot out but couldn't down I went.  Oh well, still feel good about the race.
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