When can I start biking/swimming?

Lauren M.
on 6/24/09 1:24 pm
I'm 5 days post-op and I'm in generaly good health other than my weight. My Dr. visit isn't for another two weeks! I don't want to wait that long to get moving! I want to get into triathalon training ASAP! When did you all start working out after surgery?

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

on 6/24/09 1:40 pm - Port Huron, MI
 SLOW DOWN!!!!!!  I would say you're probably clear to WALK but not anything more yet.  You just had MAJOR surgery, you're body will need time to heal.  I'm gonna assume you were done laproscropicaly?  If so I'd say you'll probably be given the green light for swimming in about 4 weeks -- got to let those incisions heal ALL the way.
The tri scene is pretty addicting and I'm so glad I've found it.  Good luck when you get cleared to start doing stuff, until then I can't stress enough to just take it easy.  Pushing it too quick can cause major complications or seriously slow down your healing process.  Read up on some good Triathlon books in the mean time ;)
Lauren M.
on 6/25/09 3:33 am
Thanks, I got a few book already including the Slow Fat Triathlete, it's funny and encouraging. I'm just getting a little stir crazy here. I have 2 weeks off work and I'm going to go nuts! Well thanks for the advice and congratulations on your success in the try scene. Quick question; I have a friend who is into triathlons and she carbo-loads before a race and then uses those gels during a race. I'm wondering what people that have gone through WLS do before and during a race to keep up energy considering we cant eat that way.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

on 6/25/09 5:26 am - Port Huron, MI
 well.....I don't dump so take what I'm going to say with a grain of salt.  It seems like the farther post-op most of us get the incidents and triggers for dumping become less and less.  It wasn't until I started doing my long training runs/rides that I started doing G2 and it was about 14 months before I tried straight Gatorade.  That may have helped, I still won't try cake/pie/cookies/candy so I may still dump but I doubt it.
Carb loading is important for longer events -- I haven't done it for any of my tri's yet (2 sprints & 1 olympic) though I probably could've/should've for the oly.  I WILL do it before my 2 HIM and my marathons in the fall.  I'll eat plenty of pasta that week but also rice.  There's plenty of great rice blends out there and from what I've been reading some of the pro cycling teams are starting to shift over to more rice based vs. pasta based carbs.
I've used the gels and sports beans.  The beans taste great, the gels not so much, lol.  They are both essential even in the shorter events.  I just got some of the Cliff Shot blocks so we'll see about those over the next week or two.
There was a post a while back (don't remember if it was OH or another site) that explained why many athletes won't dump while taking in these sugars during exercise but may well dump if they brought on the same food in normal meal setting.
First things first though -- get through this initial recovery period.  Then start upping your workout load.  When you start getting to the point of long endurance training (90 minutes +) then you should start worrying about this
on 6/25/09 3:47 pm - Northern, CA
On June 25, 2009 at 10:33 AM Pacific Time, Lauren M. wrote:
Thanks, I got a few book already including the Slow Fat Triathlete, it's funny and encouraging. I'm just getting a little stir crazy here. I have 2 weeks off work and I'm going to go nuts! Well thanks for the advice and congratulations on your success in the try scene. Quick question; I have a friend who is into triathlons and she carbo-loads before a race and then uses those gels during a race. I'm wondering what people that have gone through WLS do before and during a race to keep up energy considering we cant eat that way.
I love that book! She also has one called "Shape Up with the Slow, Fat Triathlete" and that's good too.

I don't really carbo-load, but I do use the gels. But I have a sleeve so I don't have to worry about dumping.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 6/24/09 4:01 pm - Northern, CA
You can call your surgeon and ask.

But I'm going to guess they'll say that starting to train for a tri at 5 days out is off limits.

I walked for the first two week and then I was cleared to go back to the gym, but I didn't do anything that worked my core for a while... just cardio. I think it took me two months to be comfortable with core work, but some people can do it after one month.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

Lauren M.
on 6/25/09 3:28 am
Wow I can't believe how much weight you lost! You're amaizing! Thanks for the advice by the way.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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