
on 6/24/09 10:53 pm - elgin, IL
I am running at least a 1.5miles to 3 miles a day 5 times a week.  Some days i run 2.7 in the morning and then 1.5 at night after I weight train. 

I lift 3 times a week for about 2 hr****ting all the muscle groups.  then run 1.5 miles after and then strecht for about 20 mins. 

Here is my question:  I am starting to eat alot more protein, about 100grams,  so my calories are going up.   How do I know when I am gaining muscle and not fat. 

My doctor says that my belly is just loose skin the fat is gone.  but it still looks big to me.

I have worked to hard to get to this point just to get fat again.



on 6/25/09 1:01 am - Fort Worth, TX

You would need to get your body fat % taken, and then track that. An easy way to tell is if you are staying in the same size pants but gaining weight, that's a tell-tell sign... 100 G of protein is not that much so I wouldn't worry about it... I take in between 150g-200g a day. Hitting all your major muscle groups 3 times a week is not good... You shoul lift no more than 45 minutes. I would work on a split program... two muscle groups each workout x 3 workouts a week... alternate 2 cardio / cross training days and you will be golden... Do you supplement protein or try to get it from food? Do you take any other supplements?


Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 6/25/09 1:27 am - elgin, IL
I eat one protein bar(30gm)  on my lifting days i also have a protein shake (40gm)  the rest is through food ie chicken, fish , steak, shrimp.

I take my vitiams everyday.  B1, b12, cal, mult vit, iron, fish oil,
on 6/25/09 6:55 am - Fort Worth, TX
Protein is actually MORE important on the days you are recovering than on your lifting days. Your muscles DO NOT grow in the gym, they grow after you have torn the muscle fibers (lifting) and they begin repairing 1-2-3 days after the workout. So, you need to up your protein EVERYDAY not just lift days. Look into Creatine, Glutamine, Nitric Oxide, use different kinds of protein, Whey Soy etc.... Brewer's Yeast, get some Vit C in too... when you workout a lot and your body is continually recovering, your immune system can tend to be more compromised and prone to colds etc....Try Flax seed and or oil, get plenty of good fats... Nuts, olive oil etc.... make sure your post-work out nutrition is solid... 4:1 ratio of Carbs to protein.... I am a little ways out post op and have grown to love chocolate milk post workout, but that is the only time i drink it... Best of luck.....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 6/25/09 3:51 am
1.  Don't panic
How are your clothes fitting?  If you find that your belt and pants are getting tight, then you might want to double check yourself.
If you are exercising a lot you will need more calories.
If you are exercising a lot and there is real effort involved you will be gaining weight.  It should be muscle.

You can get body fat testing done.  Your most accurate method would be in a dunk tank.


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