What should I be doing?

on 6/21/09 11:54 am - Katy, TX
Ok guys, can anyone tell me what I should be doing in the way of exercise? I am three weeks out tomorrow and I go to the gym 5 days a week and do 30 minutes on the elliptical at a 4.0-4.5 mph pace. The machine says I am burning about 300 calories. My current daily intake is around 600 calories. Should I do more cardio or do some weights, and if weight what and how many. Thanks!!!!


Darrell H.
on 6/21/09 10:44 pm - Sinton, TX
Congratulations and it sounds like you are off to a great start. I would continue with what you are doing unless your dr. has completely cleared you. That early out, I was mainly walking. My surgeon didnt clear me for lifting till 6 weeks out and even then he wanted only light weights. If you get bored with the elliptical, you might change it up and start a walking program. Later down the line when your doctor says it is ok, might I suggest the couch to 5K program. Spinning is a great aerobic activity and the best workouts I have happen in the pool swimming. Just make sure you follow all the instructions of your surgeon. Congratulations and remember that the surgery is just a tool and not a solution. Make it a habit of being active now.
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Linn D.
on 6/21/09 11:09 pm - Missoula, MT
 Exercise is one of those very personal things.  You have to enjoy what you're doing or it won't be a lifelong habit, and really that's what it's all about.

I like feeling hot and sweaty after a good hard workout.  In fact I really miss it when I don't get it.  I'm mainly a runner but love spinning classes and have done 4 sprint tris in the last year-ish.  These are the things that I enjoy and it's been pretty easy to stick to it for the past 5 years.

Find what you like to do, just make sure you're doing your heart good when you exercise.  It's not about weight loss, it's about long-term health.

on 6/21/09 11:45 pm
Congrats on your 3 weeks and your desire to make it work.

My doc said no wieghts for 6 weeks post surgery, no sit ups nothing that would put stress on the surgical area.

Once you are cleared by your doc, and can, i absolutley encourage you to add them into your workout.  Lean muscle will help you burn more calories. 
I also found that I lost a lot of strength with my weight loss.  I wish I had incorporated more resistance training from the beginning.  Now I am having to try and build it back up, which is imo harder than trying to keep from losing it.  Lean muscle mass will assist you in burning calories through the day.  Even just sitting arounds.

Variety, variety, variety.  Keep yourself from getting bored with the exercise routine. 

Good luck and enjoy the trip.


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