excellent article and video on breathing while swimming.
My tri coach sent me this since this is one of the biggest things we are trying to improve.
http://exceltriathletes.blogspot.com/2009/01/breathing-while -swimming-by-coach-dee.html
http://exceltriathletes.blogspot.com/2009/01/breathing-while -swimming-by-coach-dee.html
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"