Wednesday Workouts.....

Darrell H.
on 6/17/09 11:34 pm - Sinton, TX
That is hilarious!!!!
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 6/18/09 5:47 am - Port Huron, MI
 Hmm, trying to decide what's scarier: the threat of pregnant farts or the image of a pregnant woman trying to ride aeroSorry, just had to do that -- sounds like a great class, wish we had something like that up here.
Did my last group masters swim until October -- got a Wed. tri next week and then band practices start up for the summer parade and band camp stuff gets into swing:(  It's been interesting and I'm glad I've done it but when I read about all of your experiences I realize we don't have a great coach for this.  Last night was very normal -- he comes about 10 minutes late, is on his cell.  Gives us a couple of drills, goes back to the phone -- we get done, sit and wait for him to tell the next set -- he talks to the lifeguards for a while.  It's a good group and I've learned from the people I'm with but am excited that I found another class in a city next to mine.  The woman teaching it did IMAZ last year and we actually talked about this masters class.  It didn't meet this week, I'll start next Tuesday -- it's specifically geared towards Triathletes with additional adults who just want to swim better.

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