How do you drag you a$$ back onto the workout wagon?

on 6/14/09 10:45 am - Santa Rosa, CA
Ok, I'm going to admit that I'm a bit intimidated by this board. It seems to be a board for the ***********ercise addicts who post about how to get more bang for their buck, how to shave minutes off their time while training for their triathalon next month (oh how I wish I were you!!). 

I'm flashing back to being chosen last for the kick ball game.

Ok...flash back over, back to reality...heres my question.

How do you drag your a$$ back onto the workout wagon?

I'm currently pre-op with a date in July. I had been doing fabulous at the gym. 

 I was at the gym 4-5 times a week. I was making a huge effort to get my heart rate up on the cardio machines and was steadily increasing the weights on the nautilus equipment. I was very excited and happy with my progress.  I was motivated, felt tired but happy and was proud of myself.

Then, I went to So Cal for a family thing for a week or so and got sick returning home. I was sick for a whole week, was better for a week and then got sick again. It totally derailed me.

Since, I’ve been a bum at the gym, walking at a slow pace, going only once or twice a week, just about hating every minute. I’ve gotten on the nautilus equipment maybe twice in the last 2 months. I can’t get out of there quick enough. I’m fearful my work out buddy will lose interest in dragging my ass to the gym.

I'm so freaking apathetic right now it makes me sick and can't motivate myself to just do it again.
Have you had problems with this in the past? What did you do?

Any advice would be appreicated.

on 6/14/09 11:17 am
You just have to do it.  After a while it becomes habbit and part of your daily routine.
If you are interested in running, I'm in Santa Rosa and I try to run M-W-F after work
There is also the Santa Rosa cycling club that has lots of different levels of riders.  They are very friendly and accomodating to new riders.  As for the gym, like I said, you just have to do it.  There is no magical pill that will help get you in there.

Another option is to find a sport or leisure activity that involves exercise.  Those activities make the time go by and it doesn't seem like you are on the hamster wheel at the gym.

There is also a walking group that walks at Howarth park.  You can get the info on that from the support group at LBC/Wells Fargo center.

Good luck


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/14/09 12:22 pm, edited 6/14/09 12:22 pm - Port Huron, MI
 Set a goal -- sign-up for something that will give some long-term goals.  I had my tummy-tuck back in December and found myself not getting in the time I was preparing for my main goals/races.  My first long event was actually a long time goal (about 20 years) and I made a $100 bet with a buddy that I could ride 100 miles in under 7 hours.  That gave me the motivation to kick it in and not fail -- not really for the money, but the pride of it.  (I have offered him an equal bet on the half-marathon but he hasn't taken me up on it).  
After spending the summer out west doing some running and incredible biking I decided I needed a new goal and wondered if I could do a marathon -- so I signed up for one, followed the training charts, and LOVED it!  After that I was temporarily done with goals and like I said struggled to get back exercising.  
Triathlons happen to my drug of choice for the summer and marathons are going to take me through the fall and into January.
So check with your gym and see if they offer some challenge or event that interests you and work towards it!
You did 'fabulous' once, you can get back to it!  I don't see which procedure you're having, but for me I figured if the doc was re-working my plumbing there was NO way I wasn't gonna re-work my brain and start taking charge over those old habits.
Don't be afraid to post your workouts with the rest of us -- we're all at different stages with different goals.  Let's hear what you're doing during this next week and perhaps when I get some time to hit the cardio machines/weights at my Y I'll have some questions for you.
Here's a shameless plug for something I just started with my students/parents at the school I teach:
The goal is to get moving and doing SOMETHING -- it doesn't matter WHAT it is, as long as you're up and moving.
on 6/14/09 11:35 pm - MI
All of us supposed "Hard cores" were once in the same position you are. I personally find it much easier to get motivated if I workout first thing in the morning. The longer I put off the workout the less chance that I actually get the workout started.

Start off slow, with walks, and work your way towards running. Do things that you find fun, and less of those things you find as difficult or no fun. Just because someone else likes something doesnt mean you will as well.

Just like dan said, find a goal, and work towards that event. Maybe a 5K in the fall/winter.

Just get active everything else is easy, once you get started.

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