I've learned that I SUCK at running (all triathletes chime in PLEASE!!)

on 6/14/09 9:25 am - Port Huron, MI
Well, not completely but I've GOT to be doing something wrong here.
Did my second Tri today and I'll be posting a short report as soon as I get my official splits but I keep dying on the run.
The event today was an olympic and I was worried about the swim but that actually went well!  The bike -- my Garmin said I averaged 21.2 for the 23 miles, my stats will be lower with between the mount/dismount & the fact I got a flat at mile 19, grrr.
Now my run:  Here's where I thought I was in the best shape but I'm just struggling more than I ever would've dreamt.  
First off I'm going to try to do 1 or 2 bricks a week.  I was hoping on a 9:30 run or at worse case scenario 10:00/miles but I struggled and averaged only 10:40.  Considering I walked most drink stations when I got to running and would feel comfortable I'd glance at my Garmin and saw 9 - 9:15 pacing so it's not all bad.  I just feel like I have zero energy by the time I start running.
During the entire event (I finished in 3:08 or so) I had 3 bags of sport beans, 1 powerbar gell, 2 bottles of gatorade, 16 ounces of water + water/HEED as I went.
I just don't remember struggling like I am now when I did the marathon (perhaps because I wasn't pushing myself nearly as hard).  
Hit me with your best suggestion: I've got another sprint in a week and a half and I really want to run a 27 5K.  My PB 5K is 25:50 with a 26:25 just 2 weeks ago.  My training runs have been between 9 and 9:15.
on 6/14/09 12:04 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Hey Dan,

   I had a couple thoughts.... 1st off... Congrats on a great race and an awesome bike split... That's movin hommie! Which leads me to my 1st thought: Have you done many bricks after averaging THAT fast on the bike.... Perhaps you need a little more base building to get used to going at that pace for 23 miles, including the fact that you had a flat. So, my guess is without the flat you were probably averaging around 22MPH which is really strong. The age old question in triathlon is "how hard do I push myself on a single discipline, without bonking on any of the remaining disciplines?" Maybe you pushed the bike  a little hard, not sure, but I don't remember seeing any of your daily workouts where you were pacing that fast, and bricking it... If so I probably just missed the daily threads. An age old statement is true on the bike, go slow to go fast... My second thought leads me to ask a question regarding a thread that was posted yesterday concerning hydration / electrolyte replacement. For me, depending on how hot it is outside, I need between 1200 - 1400 MG of sodium replenishment per hour because I am such a heavy and salty sweater. After longer workouts, I have the white outlines around my underarmour from my salty sweat. Do you know how much you sweat, and how salty your sweat is? It sounds like you did not eat or take in enough calories either. I NEED at least 400 calories an hour to sustain my output. With 3 bags of sports beans at 100 cals each, 1 gel at 100 cals each, and 2 bottles of Gatorade (depending on size of bottles) has 200 cals each, your  total caloric intake was only 600 calories for 3 hours or peak performance, which, in my book, is probably less than HALF of what you are probably needing.

Racing and actually puting all your training together is the true test of how you are progressing, and how well you have planned your nutrition. Let's get this straight, you ARE a strong runner, and with your bike split, are a very strong rider, and your swimming sounds like it is coming along well. You are a solid triathlete, my guess is that your feeling of "No energy" has way more to do with nutrition than actual conditioning or ability in my opinion. Keep up the good work and keep working on your "In race" nutrition...

How was your nutrition leading up to the race???

I look forward to the race report bro!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 6/16/09 8:13 am - Port Huron, MI
 Great thoughts Dan,
I will say on the bike I never really felt like I was pushing it.  I've really been working on my cadence and am happy with the average cadence of 91.  It actually felt easy out there -- now it was a FLAT and pretty windless course, hence the numbers.  The thought that I pushed too hard on the bike did cross my mind though -- my heart rate was never above zone 4.1/4.2 (around 88% of my maximum).  After reading your thoughts on caloric intake I realize I probably really didn't meet my needs.  Like I posted yesterday, I hung with the A group of the local ride (even doing some pulls -- short but doing them) on my old road bike none-the-less until about the last 3-4 miles.  I had one gel and probably should've had 2.  I thought the ride would take a little over an hour and it took an hour and a half -- leading to the mild bonking.  
I have no idea how much I sweat -- I do know I'm a sweater and am drenched after my workouts.  Often I'm a little 'cruncy' and absolutely coated with salt so sodium suppliments may be needed.  Can you let me know what you use for this
Thanks, I'll keep you updated as I'm sure this is gonna be a trial and error process
on 6/15/09 1:42 am
heheh,  Dan it didn't take a triathlon for me to realize I suck at running.
It sounds like you did real well.  Congrats on the success at the triathlon.

Keep up the great work.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/16/09 8:26 pm - Dacula, GA
I wonder if you're absorbing all your calories properly. I see you only had 16 oz of water...fuel like gels, beans (not sure about your mix of gatorade and heed) need water to help digest.

How was your HR? Do you monitor HR? If you're over your lactate threshold for that long you'll bonk.

How long are your bricks?

My hell tuesday bricks would be anywhere from 2 miles on a recovery week to 4-5 miles on peak weeks.

My long rides would have runs an hour or more on Saturdays.

I suck at running too. Worse than you. SNORT. Half I think b/c I don't enjoy it. I LOVE swimming and biking
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