5K and 1st Tri Report

on 6/8/09 12:30 pm - Port Huron, MI

So it was an interesting weekend  I can definitely say that I learned a lot even if I didn't quit have the results I was hoping to have.

Saturday morning was one of the bigger local 5K's.  One of my training partners and I were thinking somewhere in the low 25's was doable and that was going to be our goal.  We got there and one of my students from the running group was there doing his first 5k.  It was fun to see his response to everything and see him get totally hooked on running:)

We lined up and for the first time I was trying to position myself not in the front row but in the front 10-15% of the pac.  They were making some generic race comments and I really wasn't paying attention and then all of the sudden BANG the gun goes off and we all start running.  I had enough time to think, 'no, On your Mark or Runners Ready' just the gun.  Well, we made it about 100 yards before the pac stopped and I really don't know how they got us to stop but we did -- false start, lol.  So everybody pushes back and now those who were farther back aren't moving from the start line and we end up in the middle of the pac.  They finish their announcements and we get off to a good start.  Of course the first 3-4 minutes was spent just trying to weave through the slower runners and get towards the front of the pack.  It was an out and back course and after about 1/2 mile or so I look down at my garmin and see the average pace was about 7:30/miles.  I indicated that we needed to slow a little and we set the pace around 8:00/miles.  Felt great, everything is clicking and I'm thinking I may have a sub-25' 5K.  We get to the turn around and WHAM the wind hits us.  I went from no problem on the 8'/miles to struggling to keep my training pace of 9-9:10.  At this point I dropped my student (felt bad but knew he was running too fast for the first half) and am struggling to catch up to my partner (about 10 yards ahead of me).  I realize that I'm not gonna catch back up to him but my goal was to maintain my pace.  I managed to pass a number of people and got passed only once on the way back.  My partner finished in 25:54, I came in at 26:28, my student came in at 27:40.  All in all not bad, I guess I need to not complain about running in the wind anymore, lol.  

I'm still hoping and thinking I can get down to a low 24 by the end of this season.

Now for the interesting one, my first triathlon!!!!

Sunday was the Ann Arbor Triathlon held in Pinckney, MI.  It was a .5 mile swim, 14 mile bike, 5 mile run.  I'll admit I was scared out of my mind heading to this event.  All I could think was: am I really ready for this?  Then as I was checking out the other people's bikes I thought -- oh God I'm gonna be one of those people everyone loves to pass, a Fred on a great bike!  I got registered and got my transition set-up.  Thought I had everything great, had 2 bags of sport beans ready to go 1 for the bike and 1 for the run (knew it was gonna be a 1 1/2-2 hour triathlon for me).  Laughed about how big my transition bag was and how much sh$t we all had up there (though I don't think I had more than I needed).  When I checked in I saw I was going to be in the first wave -- really was hoping to NOT be in the starting wave because I wanted to see what it was going to be like at the start but oh well.  The announcer in the transition area kept announcing the time and about 20 minutes before the start he announces that was time for the first wave to don their wetsuits and make their way to the start.

I got down there with enough time to get about a 5 minute swim warm-up.  Now my first open water swim didn't go so hot so I was nervous what this one was going to be like.  During my warm-up I was relieved because it was like swimming in a pool compared to the choppy Lake Huron I had attempted Wednesday.  I position myself like a good little newbie in the back of the pack and get ready for the start.  Once we got going I was shocked at how many people I kept swimming into.  Every time I thought I was getting into my rhythm there was a pair of feet in my face and I'd sight and lose the rhythm.  When I got to the first turn buoy I started to panic a little thinking I'm far from shore and in really deep water and then I just thought -- I can swim relax, you can do this.  Unfortunately probably half my swim was breaststroke, and a lot of that was just anxiety.  My time in the drink was 19:34 and in the front of the back of the pack (it's all in the spin, right?) place: 24 of 35.

Get up to transition get my wetsuit off, helmet/glasses on, shoes on and I'm off.  It was quick but hey, I knew I wasn't gonna be winning or placing so I wasn't too concerned: time in T1 3:51, it was about a 45 second run from the water.

Head out on the bike thinking, here's my strength and please don't let me look like a fool with my aero helmet, Felt B12, and Hed disc.  It was a nice rolling course and I am pleased with my pace @ 19.5 mph.  Nothing incredible but I spent most of the bike passing people.  Got passed by the other wave leaders but I would say I passed about 4 people for everyone that passed me.

As I we made the last turn to head back to the park I noticed this gem of a sign "Hell ------>"  And yes, it was a state road sign  Being a Michigander I've never been to Hell, MI but knew it was close, and low and behold we were about 4 miles from downtown Hell!

Make it back to the transition, do a clean dismount and realize my legs just don't want to respond.  I head out slowly but steadily.  Now it was a 5-mile trail run and the thing I heard most about this triathlon is it's the run the you love to hate.  I was NOT prepared for that run.  After a respectful 5K the day before I managed a 12/mile pace on this run, lol.  It kicked my but.  It was some of the prettiest area I've ever run, but it was on a mountain bike trail and it was brutal.  My Garmin said 1500 feet of climbing -- now I know that's not completely accurate I actually think it's not too far off.  The hill from the lake to the transition was probably 100' and it was one of the gentlest.   

Lesson learned: shortly after I started both the bike and the run I remembered the sport beans I had so nicely laid next to my shoes and groaned at the forgotten fuel.  I understand why people tape stuff to their bikes and I'll have to figure out how to attach it to my run belt.  T

I've thought a lot both on the course (especially during the swim) and since the event about what to do this weekend.  I've signed up for a olympic race and I'm still concerned about the swim but I've resigned myself that I will be last in my age group and it'll be a great clue as to what I need to focus in on for the HIM on August 1.  It's not like if I dropped down to the sprint I'd be anything better than MOP and I am doing a Sprint Tri series in 2 weeks that will be 3 races over 3 months on the same course -- the goal is to improve my time drastically in that series.

I know it's a long report but thanks for the read and the advice all!


on 6/8/09 12:51 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Good Job Bro!!! Finishing your first event with an Open Water Swim is awesome. Now that you got that and your first brutal trail run out of the way,m it's all downhill from here! Rest up and great job again buddy... If you end up not wanting that HED disc let me know... I got some sports beans I will trade ya :)
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 6/8/09 2:17 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Dan great read and congrats on your first tri man.    Trail runs are a ***** aren't they?  


on 6/9/09 12:12 pm - Port Huron, MI
 They do a 2 loop marathon on this trail (the tri obviously only used part of it).  I've heard nothing but great things about it and was hoping to do it next spring -- not so sure anymore, lol.  I do think I'll do a couple of my long runs out there this summer/fall preparing for my marathons.  It's a truly beautiful area/trail.  But yeah, I sure wasn't prepared for it!

on 6/9/09 1:05 am
Congrats on your first Tri.

Nice time you had on the 5k.  During my run yesterday, I was griping about running into the wind.
It's amazing what just a little breeze will do to you.

Keep up the great work, and keep the race reports coming.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/9/09 4:06 am - Cumming, GA
great report and congrats on your first tri...  i can't wait until i post my race report from my first tri in mid-september...  next up for me, my 2nd 5K this saturday.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

Darrell H.
on 6/9/09 9:19 am - Sinton, TX
Thanks for the great report. Congratulations on your first tri. Open swim on your first one is awesome.
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 6/9/09 10:39 am - MI

Congrats on your first Tri and OWS. I was contemplating doing Ann Arbor this past weekend, but instead decided to do the Race for Recovery over in Monroe, Michigan. It was a 1000 meter swim in Lake Erie. Just like you I am trying to get prepared for the HIM in August. I dont think you will be last, because I will be. ha ha..

Are you doing the Firecracker July 5th? If so, we need to get together, and BS before. What other Tri's are you scheduled for? I'm thinking of doing Grnad Haven Olympic July 20thish. I will also be your in neck of the woods this coming weekend for the MS Bike ride in Holland.

Keep in touch.

on 6/9/09 12:27 pm - Port Huron, MI
 Hey Curt,
I really can't say enough about the Ann Arbor Tri -- great, great event.  Just such a great run event, I really didn't see anything to complain about.  The swim was in a great lake, the bike ride scenic and rolling, the run -- well scenic, lol.  2 Water stations on the run + 1 at the transition site, Water and HEED out on the course (man does anybody like that stuff???), course clearly marked and lots of volunteers out there -- even in the middle of the woods.
Thought about doing the Firecracker and could benefit from being on-site out there but it's one of the few weekends I've got off and really don't feel like doing a 4+ hour drive for a sprint.  
Doing the Motor City this weekend, the T-Rex series (running Fit's new series) out in Brighton, Anchor Bay, Steelhead, & Muskoka.  
Looking forward to doing an event with you and putting a face to the name.
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