I started the Couch 2 5K program today

on 6/8/09 12:40 am - Baltimore, MD
 Hi Everyone. 

After months of internal debate, I decided that the day after my 40th birthday would be the day that I start the couch  to 5k program. I started this morning, and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I think it helps that I've been exercising all along, so I'm not exactly moving from the couch. Maybe my legs will tell a different story tomorrow. I'll check in occasionally to provide a progress report.

Has anyone else started with this program and actually ran a 5k?

Wish me luck!
Darrell H.
on 6/8/09 1:36 am - Sinton, TX
Way to go. That is awesome. I started out on that program. My 1st 5K will be on the 20th. I am now running more than 5 miles at a time and training for a triathlon. Stick with the program and you will be fine. I had the urge several times to skip the early easier sessions and go straight to weeks 3 and 4. I stayed with the plan though and I am glad I did. Congratulations!
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on 6/8/09 1:36 am - TX
Good luck.  Just keep at it!!

on 6/8/09 3:09 am - NC

I completed week 7 day 1 of the program today.

When I started it was not my intent to run a race and that still is not on my mind. Cannot imagine running outside yet. I started as a way to get in some exercise because I am truly coming from the couch.

I hate exercising but have started to like jogging. In fact, starting with about week 2, I decided to jog everyday. Now at week 7 it is straight jogging for at least 25 minutes straight.

I lurk on this board to get some tips and inspiration. 

I was thinking this morning about the first week when I struggled to jog 1-3 minutes. I have come a long ways and hope to keep up the interest and increase my jog times.

Wishing you all the best!


If I am gonna eat   like a fat girl, then I gotta workout   like a skinny girl!


(deactivated member)
on 6/8/09 3:16 am - Maumelle, AR
Congratulations!  I started the program the first week of January and completed my first 5k at the end of February, though in retrospect I wish I'd gotten a little more time under my belt before that.  The one I did mid-March went much better!

I've done five 5k's now and have a half-marathon planned for the end of October!  Once you get moving, you may find yourself addicted. :)
on 6/8/09 3:57 am - Levittown, PA
Sure did! 

I started walking ... the the C25K program.  Did a 5k ... then a 10K ... then a 10 miler.    I'm training now for a full marathon in November with 2 half marathons between now and then!   You got this in the bag!   Stick with it.

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on 6/8/09 5:47 am - Baltimore, MD
 A full marathon? I can't imagine. I'm sure you thought the same thing when you started the C25K. 
on 6/8/09 3:45 pm - Northern, CA
I did and now I'm training for a half-marathon. The full is next year...

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Joanne C.
on 6/8/09 11:56 pm - N Richland Hills, TX
My husband and I just started it this morning.

I wasn't sure that my knees would hold up, but I think by taking it slowly I may be able to do it.

And I agree, it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be.

Good luck and keep it up!
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