Thursday workout

Darrell H.
on 6/4/09 1:22 am - Sinton, TX
Brick number 2 didnt go quite as planned. First off I felt good and was ready to go. Had a light breakfast of 2 slices of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. I took off and was excited because again there was very little wind. I go southeast on my ride and was scheduled for a 40 minute bike followed by 10 minute run. About 2 miles in the ride averaging about 16-17 mph, I needed to change gears for an easy hill, my hand hits my bike computer and it goes rolling into the waist high grass off the road. As I get the bike slowed down enough so I can turn around, I lost site of exactly where it went off at. I spent about a minute and a half looking when I decided I need to just keep riding. (luckily the comp was a cheap $18 dollar one from Academy). I continue to ride and turn around at about 20 1/2 minutes into the ride. About 1 minute later, the wind changes directions and it is blowing 10-15. Now my eay ride aint quite as easy since I wanted to take it somewhat easy for the run. I finish the ride at 47:24 (that includes the time I spent looking for comp) for an avg speed of 13.04 mph. I spend 1:53 in transition (got to practice that as well) and start my run. Last time I was right under a 10 minute mile so I decided to not look at time, just run. Legs felt like crap at the beginning again, but I kept churning. After 1 mile I stopped my watch and started walking. When I checked my time I was extremely excited for a minute because I ran my mile in 9:35. Then I realized I shorted the workout 25 seconds because the plan calls for a 10 minute run. Oh well, I guess I will have to pay back that :25 next time. So what did you all do today?
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 6/4/09 3:50 am - Cumming, GA
good job on the pace!

i did 40 minutes in the weight room (shoulder, back, and biceps), ran 5 miles outside on easy hills (48.5 minutes), and then finished off the morning on the stairmaster for 37 minutes...  i had to skip a dip in the pool because i was late for a meeting...
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 6/4/09 12:33 pm - Fort Worth, TX
I swam 1000Meter warm-up followed by 15 x 100 Meters at threshold(Brutality) followed by 200Meter cool down. I got cleared for running yesterday and my orthotics came in today so I headed out for an easy run 5k (3.1 miles) in 26:53 average pace about 7 mph.... Can't wait to get back to running 40 - 50 miles a week again. Take care ya'll....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 6/4/09 10:14 pm

I took my dog for a 45 minute hike at a local state park.  Big mistake two weeks post op.  The hike for me was surprisingly fine, but my very active german shepherd, who usually has great leash manners, was out of control (probably due to her lack of regular activity during the last two weeks while I was recovering) and she pulled on the lease like crazy.  I am very, very sore through the abdomen and my still healing incisions today.  I simply cannot go another 4 weeks without taking her hiking, so I'm going to have to drive further to some hiking spots where I can keep her off leash.  Hopefully this soreness will go away soon but for now it is very painful.

SW-272, CW-219, GW-175

Vicki PNW
on 6/5/09 9:29 am
1 hour Group Active class involving 1/3 step, 1/3 free weights, and 1/3 floor exercises with some yoga.
1 hour water aerobics class.

Was going to go power-walking in the afternoon.  But some ominous clouds (like those found in the Midwest) came in, resulting in severe t-storms.  Rained most of the rest of the day.  We were advised to stay indoors until at least 9 PM.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 6/5/09 11:31 am - Northern, CA
I went to my son's thesis defense. It was a different kind of exercise.... mental anguish. But he passed and now has a HS diploma.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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