Low Heart Rate

Darrell H.
on 6/1/09 6:29 am - Sinton, TX

My blood pressure has been all over the place lately so I had an appt with my pcp today since I also needed to get labs for my 9 month post op appt with my surgeon coming up on Saturday. My heart rate on an EKG was 39. pcp said that was way low even for an atlete in top notch shape. I have an appt with a cardiologist on the 15th. pcp didnt tell me I had to tone down workouts so I wont, but he did say that my workouts may have something to do with it.
Has anyone heard of this, medical diagnosis is Bradycardia.

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on 6/1/09 7:34 am, edited 6/1/09 7:34 am
I had a stretch over the course of about a week where when working out my HR would initially drop, and I would experience some dizziness.  It has since self resolved.

Yes Bradycardia is defined as a pulse rate below 6, and can be a serious problem.
Some times requiring a pacemaker implant.

Have you had any other symptoms, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, chest pain associated with this, or is the varying b.p. the only indication you had that there was a problem?

The docs will probably ask you all those questions.  Did they say anything else about your EKG like irregular rythyms etc?  Is your heart actually pumping blood each time they see the electrical signal on the EKG.  It is quite common for people to have what are called pvc's lots of people can get them just from having some coffee.  The problems happen when you get the electrical signals going but your heart isn't pumping blood when that happens then you have the potential for some serious problems.

They are probably going to want to know a few other things as well
Provokes - what causes it
Quality - what is the discomfort like sharp, crushing is there any at all?
Radiates - if you have any pain or discomfort with it does it radiate anywhere else
Severity - typical 1-10 scale of how bad you feel when this is happening to you
Time - how long it lasts, when did it start etc.

Some or all of that may not apply, but they will probably ask those questions anyhow just to make sure. 

Best wishes


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Darrell H.
on 6/1/09 8:00 am, edited 6/1/09 8:01 am - Sinton, TX
Scott, I had one dizzy spell a week ago this past Thursday at work. The only other time I had a dizzy spell was a few weeks after surgery when my BP dropped real low. This morning I did have a "strange" feeling in my chest, like a little pressure. I have had that before a few times but never thought anything of it. The EKG was normal other than the heart rate. The dr wasnt specific about blood being pumped but said the EKG looked good. My BP med was actually 2 different ones together. My PCP cut it down to only one saying that the other may have contributed to the low heart rate. He also wants me to go to the cardiologist just to be on the safe side. Like I said he didnt tell me to back off training and he knows what I am doing and how much. I guess I just have to wait to the 15th to see what the specialist says.
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 6/1/09 11:23 am - Dacula, GA
My coach has it. He had an option for meds or surgery. He chose meds...then quit meds. Who knows...men are dumb sometimes!

He's a great athlete...I think his pulse goes down during the day to 34 sometimes. I think he wore a machine (portable) for a week. I think it even went to the 20s during sleep.
on 6/2/09 12:16 am - Cumming, GA
i don't have an issue with low heart rate, however my blood pressure is low and i've had a lot of problems with head-rushes and getting dizzy, mostly when i stand up too quickly.  my dr. and nut said to fix it, "stand up slower".... thanks doc.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

Darrell H.
on 6/2/09 12:48 am - Sinton, TX
Wise advice from the Doc. lol. I remember when I was in high school, the trainer would say "PUT ICE ON IT", no matter what it was.
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
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